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Everything posted by anthony713

  1. Hey guys thanks for taking the time to read this and possibly help me out. I'm looking to get a multiple camera surveillance system (wireless 2-4 cameras). I would like it to have night vision and good picture quality. The only other major concern is I would also like to be able to view it from my smartphone (Android Galaxy S3). I believe I would need a DVR for it to record too? I have my Xfinity DVR, I dont know if that would work. I really don't know anything about this stuff, and am quite overwhelmed..my price range goes up to $700, but preferably not that much. Again thanks for reading and for your help if you can!!
  2. anthony713

    Camera/DVR recommendations please!!

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16881377072 I really like this, good deal?
  3. anthony713

    Camera/DVR recommendations please!!

    Thanks a lot I really appreciate all the info, I'm definitely going to IP cameras as it sounds like they're best. Once again, thanks for your time and knowledge!
  4. anthony713

    Camera/DVR recommendations please!!

    Common experience (mine included) with relatively inexpensive quality wireless analog cameras is that there seems to be no such thing. Much better to run wires, especially considering that you have to get a power wire to the cameras somehow. There are good reasons to go wireless between buildings, but you'd most likely be happier using wifi and network IP cameras than analog gear. As for smartphone viewing, just about every system nowadays supports Android phones. I suppose I was thinking wireless because it seemed like easiest installation. Wires through walls and all that seems like a headache, I would definitely need to hire someone to install it. Do you have any brand or model recommendations for cameras or DVRs? Should I go with an all-in-one package or buy my cameras and DVR separate? Thanks for responding!