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Everything posted by Robin2

  1. Robin2

    Video Clean Up Software

    Hi Tomcctv, I am happy to discuss this but I do not think I am missing anything. I agree that when CCTV is installed quality is important and it is often below standard because of using wrong equipment or not instaling it the right way. Relying on something that does not deliver can be the worst thing. On the other hand it must not be overstated because CCTV evidence is not a requirement and nobody will be convicted by CCTV footage without other evidence. After witnessing yourself over hundred strong cases of police refusing to do anything I think you would rethink your statement.
  2. Robin2

    Video Clean Up Software

    Sadly that is a standard story. Some victims go the way of installing CCTV equipment in the hope that will help, only to find out te next time that that is not the problem. The standard answer is to write a letter to ask for the names of the officers involved in the case, what is done with the information provided, the status and progress of the case. At the same time (or you can wait for an answer) write another letter to file a formal complaint. After that sometimes it is necessary to call the officers connected with the case every week to inquire into the progress. If you have a licence plate you can ask a PI to compile a court case and submit it to the proscecuter directly, bypassing the police.
  3. Is the gluing of the lens defined by having adjustable focus? Is your model a M1011 or M1054 wich has no adjustable focus? M1004-W adjustable focus M1013 adjustable focus M1014 adjustable focus M1011-W - - M1033-W adjustable focus M1034-W adjustable focus M1054 - - I like to use these cams in places with little space. A camcorder lens will put on thickness, changing the lens will not.
  4. Thanks Tomcctv. That is very informative. Now hope that all onvif cams and DVR's incorporate the standard correctly. Buellwinkle, the way it is written it gives the impression that you discovered this onvif compatibility by accident instead of it being advertised as a new onvif compatiblity feature. Is that correct?
  5. Robin2

    Video Clean Up Software

    What a rubbish. The software exists. Seen it myself in real-life. It enhances the image a little, just do not expect much of it. It does not work as well as in the TV seies. You see them enter a garage empty-handed and come out with goods in their hands. That is much more than reasonable suspicion of theft. If you can describe in detail the goods they have under them and can back that up they are done for. The problem is the police usually does not like to do much in these cases. And that attitude is the sad limiting factor in getting an investigation started and therefore in getting your belongings back.
  6. reminds me of: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=37715&p=231240#p231240 same onvif thing
  7. What do you run into when trying to calculate or explain it.
  8. Robin2

    Video Clean Up Software

    @mindTwist They go in empty handed and gou out with stuff in their hands. That is footage of stealing. Do not expect miracles, you can clean up the footage but I am too much a novice in that area. I do not think better footage will help you. You got more than most would have. A description from some neighbour is less accurate than this. I think your real problem is with the police. They do not like to deal with this kind of criminality and tend to find all kinds of excuses to do nothing. The sad reality is that dealing with this (even when they solve the case) does not increase their status and they would rather ignore your case and do other tasks or cases.
  9. Robin2

    Axis camera's on EH1008H-4 Nano

    Does nobody use a Axis IP camera on a Aver DVR?
  10. Robin2


    Is there a fps regulation in the UK?
  11. Yes that is what I meant. You can look on ebay for a photo filter, IR-cut filter an that kind of search words. The small diameter sizes are the cheapest. Second hand photo shops might have them too and for a decent price because they have trouble getting rid of the small sizes you need because camera's keep getting bigger diameter lenses. Sometimes it is sold as a piece of square glass. You could also try to pry the filter from the chip of a deceased (foto film or security) camera because most quality camera's have a glass ir-cut filter on top of the CCD chip. A often lesser option (because it is often a cheap coating) is to call some dealers who sell lenses andask for a IR-cut filter on it. It is outrageous that the camera manufacturer does not sell a series of lenses with the same IR filter. A lens with a fixed focus is the best and cheapest solution but camera's with only one standard lens are mostly useless because you need to customize the focal point. Ultimately you will probably have a better one. Let me know if you succeeded.
  12. That clarifies a lot. The IR stands for IR corrected then. Normally a untreated plain glass loup has a different focal point depending on the wavelength of light. Menaning that without IR filter a non-IR corrected lens will not have a sharp picture if there is visible and IR light mixed or you need to shift the focal point when the IR-cut filter is removed and use only IR light. So you have the correct lens. If you look at both lenses the difference should be that one has a (usually cheap red) coating on it. It should give a slightly different colour glare, if you know what I mean. Tell me if that is the case. Lenses with a damped-on coating can be bought too. You have to look for a megapixel IR corrected coated M12 lens. There are lots around. A better option is to buy a seperate small-size photo IR filter for about 10-20 dollars on ebay. The quality of those coatings is often much better. If it does not fit you can even cut it to size. Glue it on the the front or back of the lens. You can also glue it on the inside or outside of the camera housing. Lots of options there. You will end up having a better lens than the original. Or you could buy a coated M12 lens.
  13. If IR is the problem a photocamera IR filter works perfect, but I have no experience with this brand so I cannot tell you which ones fit best.
  14. Robin2

    Connect DVR to Network Wirelessly?

    That is the kind I would NOT use. The one tomcctv recommended is the right kind, although I would try to get a wire over there.
  15. Robin2

    Retrievingt files from a DVR HDD

    Why does AVTech not give you their full support then to resolve the issue? Would be good PR for them. A wild guess would be to try to change the extension to .AVI and then try to play it in varous players. Works with some players that essentially store their files in a kind of mjpeg standard. Otherwise my best bet would be to contact AVTech support.
  16. Robin2

    Retrievingt files from a DVR HDD

    What kind of investigator are you and why do you use a image of a unknown DVR model. Sounds fishy to me.
  17. For 24/7/365 operation take a 24/7 certified disk. The rest is not as important. If you cannot find a 24/7 certified disk at least avoid the power saving green disks. High temperatures and vibrations are hard to avoid in 24/7 use and a major source of problems and that is often not tested in reviews or performance tests. From WD the red or the AV-GP are good and built with that in mind. Other brands have good choices too. If you want performance buy two nasses. The more streams on one disk the less performance you get. Or buy a managed NAS with its own internal buffering memory to avoid timing bottlenecks in the HDD.
  18. Robin2

    mp camera w/ bnc output

    I never looked into such combinations and am curious. Can you provide a model or link in the $500 range you mentioned.
  19. Robin2

    who makes a good DVR bundle?

    Me too. I guess it often gives me the uncomfortable feeling of cheap camera models with too wide angled lenses (for wich they cannot provide extra lenses if you ask) and IR with perfect images in zero light claims and some DVR thrown into the bundle. Sold as a great deal to newcomers with the suggestion that the package will cover all the needs they might ever have. And that for a unbeatable budget price of a few hundred quid. It gives me the feeling that if something happens the footage is not there or will not cover the needs. Maybe there are good bundles too.
  20. Robin2

    cameras for car

    not sure I quite understand ? where is there ? not sure what you mean by not start a new thread? this is new system so any other threads I started i figured would be highjacking and this would keep it simple and to the point....... viewtopic.php?f=1&t=37149
  21. Robin2

    cameras for car

    If you want to continue your thead my idea is that it is best to do it there and not start up a newthread for a reply.
  22. Did you have any luck? I am thinking about the same. I am fiddling with a supported axis 207W to try to figure out how to make the "Use IP Camera Motion" option to work. So far without any luck. It records fine but no motion detection for m the IP camera. The menu of the axis 207 recognizes a connection "connection successful" when tested but "Send HTTP notification" and "Send TCP notification" both seem to not do the trick.
  23. Seems as if the focus of this anonymous IT company is on doing something standard for a quickly earned buck. Placement, viewing angles, night time images, suitability of particular equipment for a particular situation or need are apparently of no interest for the all-rounder standard home which is to get a all-rounder installation. Or am I wrong here?
  24. Robin2

    Cate 5e vs Cat 6

    I guess you will be fine with cat 5e. IP cams are 100mb, that is cat 5e specification. Many 1000mb networks use cat 5e. If you pass strong EMF sources like smart meters the shielding of cat 6 might help a little. It would be wise though to eliminate EMF sources that are so strong they interfere for health reasons.