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Everything posted by Clytus

  1. Shooting in the dark here, but hoping maybe someone has experienced this, or can offer some insight. I am suddenly unable to access my Speco 16TL DVR remotely via LAN or WAN. DHCP has always been enabled in DVR, and I’ve never had any trouble remotely accessing it from LAN PC, or via WAN on my smartphone. When I check the DVR LAN settings , DHCP is enabled, but for some reason the IP, Netmask, and Gateway are now all If I try to restart the LAN, I consistently get “LAN Failed to Start.” It simply will not assign an IP address. If I switch DHCP off, and manually input the last known good IP, Netmask, and Gateway, I still cannot access via LAN/PC or WAN. If I switch DHCP back on and restart the network, it fails to start, and everything reverts to zeros. Incidentally, my router settings have not changed. I've checked all physical connections (although none were touched, and the router is fine for all other network traffic. I reinstalled the DVR firmware thinking there might have been a corruption. All other DVR functions are normal, except for remote access on LAN/WAN. I don't know what else to check. Does this sound like a DVR hardware problem? Thanks!!
  2. Clytus

    Speco 16TL DVR LAN problem

    Thanks a million, vector18! Suggesting I check the direct connection helped me find the problem. Turns out it was my 16-port switch. Changed port and voila -- full remote access! DVR is just fine. Whew. (Why is it I always forget to check the simple stuff first?! )