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Everything posted by Yakuzahi

  1. Yakuzahi

    Axis 214 microphone

    I want to add a microphone to the Axis 214, and the one that Axis has is way too expensive. I want to know if I can plug any microphone into the camera like a desktop microphone? Or there is any good one that I can buy other then the Axis T83 that costs around $400?
  2. Hi I just bought used Axis 214 off Ebay. The camera have a really nice picture in the day light but in the night its very dark and there is a lot of noise in the picture. I have a cheap Foscam camera with IR around the lens that works very well in complete darkness. Do I really need to install IR light near the Axis in order to see a picture in the night time or I can do some changes in the setting to make it better? Thanks.
  3. Thank you for the info. I just don't understand why Axis call it Day and Night camera if the camera cannot preform at complete darkness?