Thank you! There are several ports to forward, and depending on what you read, including the GV manual, seems they want 21, 80 3550 4550 5550 and for some reason ??443??
I will take a look at that. The suggestion of using the Protobase guy is great, except he works for them and could care less as long as our CC transactions are moving smoothly.
I also had a MSE cert guy with years of experience login to the Dell. He is as sharp as I think they come, but by the end was suggesting I get a static IP at my home, VPN tunnel to that permanently, and so on, which made no sense. So maybe he was not all that sharp.
I will try the forwarding you suggest with all the ports and see where it goes. I also had a suggestion that I needed a 10dot net for the Camera server. Don't know how that would work, and IP is and IP or am I all washed up?
Thank you once again. Troy