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Joseph Schrag

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Everything posted by Joseph Schrag

  1. Joseph Schrag

    Low Bandwidth System Design Question

    Hi, We are trying to find a video management system will accommodate cameras in remote locations communicating over low bandwidth connections while at the same time allowing our users a single point of entry. Our requirements are most easily explained with a picture so I've attached one. Does anyone know of a system which will handle these requirements? So, far I've been unable to find one. I'm also open to any suggestions to improve my system design. Thank You in advance! Joe Schrag
  2. Joseph Schrag

    Low Bandwidth System Design Question

    After talking with one of their sales engineers, it appears Avigilon will not behave as hoped either. It does not have a way to give our users a single point of entry (single URL pointing to a base/master server) paired with the ability to transcode the video from the recording server through a VPN & onto the web client. He said the mobile gateway component will do this, but only for mobile devices. I have encountered the same issue with both Milestone & OnSSI.
  3. Joseph Schrag

    Low Bandwidth System Design Question

    Hi AK, Thanks for the reply! Does Avigilon do everything I mentioned in the text portions of the picture?!