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Everything posted by CoryCamera

  1. Helly everyone, First time poster and hoping someone can help me out... I will be setting up 10 - 15 cameras throughout 1 building. I need the cameras to be able to stream onto a website individually. Additionally I need them to all funnel into a live traditional video switcher for live events...let me give you an example of the end goal. Option 1 Paid members will come to a website. They will log in and get a choice to select any "1" of the camera feeds of the total 10-15. Option 2 Same Paid members go to same site as above but have an additional option to watch the Live Switched version of the event with additions of graphics or what we are calling the "Big Brother" version. The video sources will be the same just not static...so the end viewer is forced to watch whichever camera is chosen by the Technical Director. I have experience with the switcher portion of this and hooking cameras into that are no problem...I am more tackling with how to get the same cameras to bypass the switcher and have their individual feeds go out to the net... Is it possible to have the cameras hardwired into the switcher but also have a cat 5 cable hitting into a router and then out the net??? If so which models or manufactured cameras are good for this solution?? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Cory