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  1. DSC

    Closed Circuit Delay?

    Really dont understand what is so bad about my english. I read my original post and it makes complete sense other than the fact that I dont explain why I need the delay. Which at the time I didnt think was necessary. So, let me try and dumb this down for you. I have a video camcorder, and I have a monitor/tv. I need something to delay the feed between the video camera and the monitor. What kind of hardware or software do I need to use to offer a delay of about 20 seconds?
  2. DSC

    Closed Circuit Delay?

    Thanks, I will look into this. Appreciate the help.
  3. DSC

    Closed Circuit Delay?

    Why? Its for a gym, the owner wants the client to be able to see his/her form when lifting. So essentially the person would be able to review their form after they lift. For some reason or another the owner wants a delay. He asked me to help find something that would work, thats all Im trying to do.
  4. DSC

    Closed Circuit Delay?

    Hi everyone, Im looking to have a closed circuit video and tv setup that has a slight delay. Maybe 20 seconds tops. Im hoping Im able to use my current video camcorder with av outs and hook into a device (DVR or PC) that can simply put the video feed on a delay to a monitor or TV. Is that something that is possible without breaking the bank? Thanks for the help. -Alex