I'm sure this is generally a common question. Even picking a forum to join and ask is a bit of a shot in the dark. After spending several hours trying to read/compare reviews, tech specs, etc. on several systems I need some help at least cutting down on the clutter. I'm looking for a system with the following:
Support for up to 4 cameras
one camera indoors, two outdoors but under a covered porch. Possibly a 4th camera fully exposed to the elements.
Wireless cameras, not counting need for AC power. (battery powered would be great, but I've not seen such, and given the power needs, wouldn't expect it.)
Motion detection.
Ability to monitor on Android
Real time alert on Android
Ability to NOT have the DVR sound an audible alarm. The entire idea of these systems is they are not really going to prevent break-ins, but will provide plenty of forensics. To that end, you don't need your collection point calling attention to itself.
Ability to select the communication band of the wireless, so that it doesn't flood bandwidth and interfere with other streaming on the home network.
It appears that Lorex has some systems that meet all of the above, but I see a lot of bad reviews on several sites, regarding product quality (DOA or early failures) and lousy to non-existent customer support.
So with all of the above in mind, can someone help me narrow my search or point me to some place that would be more appropriate, if not here?
Recently purchased, then returned, an outdoor Foscam IP camera. I liked the advertised features, and two co-workers have it and are pleased with theirs. Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the set up the email notification. While I'm not a network engineer, I am in IT (DBA and unix admin) and work shoulder to shoulder with our net admin, and am familiar with ip addressing, routing, firewalls, etc. But the Foscam gave no more helpful diagnostic than 'unable to connect to mail server', and their support was non-existent.
Looking at other alternatives, like the Lorex. It seems from what I can find out that they require an on-site recording device. In itself, that is ok, but I'm wanting something that, on motion detection, will send the images off-site. I've not found anything in any of the literature I've seen that addresses that, and am hoping someone can tell me what I'm overlooking, or any relevant suggestion.