Hey guys, thanks for the responses.
So, here is the a link to the DVR I am currently using:
I initially tried to use the standard 3.6 mm lens, but it wasn't able to capture everything I need.
Here are the cameras I've tried so far; first is the 470 TVL camera that has so far worked the best:
Here is the second I tried, and this was considerably more pixelated and had 700 TVL:
And most recently, I've tried this 600 TVL one:
I still plan on using these DVR's, as well as getting some new one, but if you can provide any opinion on what camera would work best with this DVR, it would be appreciated.
I have recently purchased a new H.264 DVR; here is the link to it:
With this DVR, I haven't really tried any cameras yet, and I don't want to go through buying multiple cameras again to test which one works the best. This is really why I had come to this forum to see if I can get anyhelp picking what should be the best camera to go with it.
Thanks again,