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Everything posted by janmal

  1. its because of someone like you i have to install cctv to protect myself. idiot bully admin - please remove me from this site
  2. hi, i bought the H.264 Network DVR, user manual useless to say least but ive stumbled along and managed to hook up the cameras which are working to the dvr and monitor etc. Ive just installed the hard internal -drive and set to record. However, to test playback - it says: The following channel has no file. how can i record or am i missing something really basic out? i have no techno or electrical know-how, plug and play or spell it out in basic easy english for me to follow please. desperate to get this up and running asap. thanks everyone
  3. i attached a link to the equipement i purchased - there is no further info or model other than the front of the case being H.264 hence why i also attached the link! i thought i HAD explained the issues in my previous messages AND said i had images if needed? i have managed to fix the zoom on my own btw, so dont need that help now - just the access information to view on a tablet. i also did say i wasnt a techno at all and hence needed help, yet all you have done is criticise mindtwist.
  4. i said the manual was basic! another poster on a thread us using the same equipment and said the same about the manual but he didnt get any scathing replies. i also said i wasnt a techno, and asked politely for help! the name of the equipment is H.264 DVR as i already said. i have images i can upload and can explain what the problem is - as i have already done so. this is the system: http://www.lightinthebox.com/ultra-low-price-4ch-cctv-dvr-kit-h-264-4-outdoor-waterproof-color-cameras_p325408:ae5ee5ef048a4b7c94dd42d7b38cc8a7.html?litb_from=sysmail i thought the whole idea of help forums is to make people feel welcome and to try to support them not alienate them - thanks Mindtwist! i actually said i had it working, but have issue with one camera (out of 4) and loading the network info - they are the same principles for most set-ups?
  5. Got it working! However, i do now have 2 more problems - 1. one camera has managed to put itself on full zoom, but the settings on the system shows as normal and cannot reduce the zoom - is it possible to do a manual reset or override? 2. cannot access the live view on my tablet, dont know what info to put in what settings? (user manual was barely worth the paper it was written on so apologies for basic user questions!)