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  1. Sounds like a comm issue. The POE switch won't provide power until the camera asks for it, using a protocol defined by the PoE (802.3af) standard. I'm wondering, since that camera just says poe and no spec, that it isn't communicating properly or not at all with the switch. Does your switch allow you to force on power to a port?
  2. firegoldlynx

    DS-2CD2032-I 4mm Target Range

    Yeah I can only imagine what a bear it would be to change. I think my problem is I don't know enough about optics and I think what I'm trying to ask is objective. Let me ask a different way. Does this camera out of the box have better focus on an object at 10, 15, 20, 30 meters etc... So if you could place this specific camera anywhere with the intent to capture facial features what range would you have to stay within. Closer would be better, but there must be an upper limit and how does optional 4mm 6mm 12mm lens option impact that range.
  3. Need to some help installing the Hikvision 4mm DS-2CD2032-I bullet. What are some of the best practices for fixed focal length cameras with respect to target focus? Does this camera have a specific range suitable to the camera? How do you find out what that range is? --Thanks
  4. Thanks for the help, I bit on this with a 10% off code which put it at $229.
  5. firegoldlynx

    Prototyping a New Setup

    This looks like quite a nice price/capable switch for 8 or less cams. 8 x Gig POE+ with 2 Gig Fanless, rackmount, no DC brick Smart Switch 75 Pwr Budget http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833156460&Tpk=TPE-1020WS Anyone work with this unit?
  6. How is the fan noise on this unit, looking for something like this that runs quiet. Edit : Just saw this review
  7. I saw this quote in a thread, and went digging and saw that this switch is a passive POE Do all the IP/Megapixel 802.3af cameras function on the voltage alone or do they require the 802.3af negotiation part of the specification?