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Everything posted by Boogieman

  1. Boogieman

    IP or HDCVI

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ip+vs+hdcvi Without knowing what the system specs are i is hard to compare...but generally you are better of with ip, particularly for any future upgrades and/or replacement parts.
  2. Boogieman

    New IP Camera system we installed

    That risk is way over exaggerated. If someone could get to the cable, they can get to the camera and just cover it with a sheet of paper or spray paint.
  3. Boogieman

    Windows 8.1 64 Bit and Swann View Plus Client

    Something is not right. 1024 x 768 is not 3mp its not even megapixel...you should be using 1920x1080 at the minimum which is 2mp
  4. Boogieman

    best camera technology for coax

    He had old analog before...he is replacing the DVR and the cameras...so why would you recommend that he install inferior cameras and DVR just because they are cheaper...he said he wants "the best technology for coax"...960h is not even close...720 or 1080 is what he should be looking at..
  5. Pretrigger is set in the form of fps...so if your camera is delivering 15 fps your pretrigger needs to be 75 to get five seconds.....the higher you go the more cpu and memory you use..three seconds is generally enough...
  6. Boogieman

    best camera technology for coax

    Why? because 720p is a significant increase over 960h..
  7. Boogieman

    Windows 8.1 64 Bit and Swann View Plus Client

    I disagree, the customer bought his own system...around here you will not find an installed to run cable for 8 cameras + an electrical outlet (and it looks like he mounted the cameras as well) for less than 600. The aiming of the cameras needs some adjustment though to avoid some walls and ceiling..
  8. Boogieman

    Windows 8.1 64 Bit and Swann View Plus Client

    Thanks for posing..particularly the part about hiring someone to run your cable...running the cable is the hardest part and you got 8 cameras done + a 110 outlet for 600, that is very reasonable...
  9. Not the specs...what is the brand and model?
  10. Wow, thats a lot of useless dribble when the OP's question was totally unrelated to your explanation...The OP was questioning using the hikvision app as opposed to ipcamviewer...his concern what that hikvision was secretly recording login credentials.. As an aside, using vpn is extremely secure and exposes the user to no more risk than when the phone is logged on to their home network.
  11. What problem are you trying to solve?
  12. Boogieman

    who makes the camera for this Swann sytem?

    yes that is the hikvision 2032
  13. Boogieman

    Wireless Camera to a monitor or TV?

    You are over thinking this...get a camcorder that can output live hdmi (some security cameras can do this as well) and just use something like this http://www.amazon.com/Nyrius-Transmitter-Streaming-Satellite-NPCS549/dp/B009E6R89C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420759198&sr=8-1&keywords=hdmi+wireless
  14. Boogieman

    dvr works within LAN but not WAN

    Try connecting from an actual external source..like a cell phone on cellular data...you might be having a nat loopback issue.
  15. You are paranoid....why do you think hikvision is more likely to do it than ipcamviewer (which is a great app)... If you are overly concerned, use vpn and dont port forward anything..
  16. Does your isp provide multiple ip addresses to you? if not this will not work..even if it did, there is zero benefit to you...
  17. You cannot attached a switch between the modem and router unless the account allows for two external ip....many isp's do not provide this unless you pay extra. The "conflict" between the two routers is a non issue...just disable dhcp on one of them..which was most likely already done... Dont forward port 80, use a higher port like 8585..in fact you should not have to forward the http port at all unless you want access to the NVR to make changes..but for video you dont...you also should not have to forward the rtsp port..just 8000/media port.
  18. Get the costco system, you can return it anytime if you dont like it... Installers who say that are having problems with ip systems are either not using reliable systems or dont have the requisite knowledge to properly install ip and therefore disparage it... You will be severely limiting your ability to modify your system in the future if you go with any of the analog hd systems.
  19. As the others have pointed out you need to change the ip address to match the range of your router. It will not work otherwise.
  20. I have a .nvf file from an unknown DVR. I dont have access to the DVR. A google search says its may be nuvico...but their players cannot play it. VLC shows the file length and "plays" it but there is no video... Anyone know how i can play it? Thanks
  21. Boogieman

    Need help opening a .nvf file

    Yes I still need this. How can I get it.
  22. http://www.supercircuits.com/resources/tools/security-nvr-storage-calculator
  23. You need to mount and install it correctly to avoid the foggy image...just note that in case you get that effect. On the most sensitive setting it will record almost anything in the field of view.