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Everything posted by Boogieman

  1. Boogieman

    Excellent Complete Box System

    The SDI cameras are NOT compatible. Costco used to sell the domes and bullets as add ons but the currently do not. With domes you need to look out for a couple of things...for example the basic swann/hikvision 2132 dome http://www.amazon.com/Hikvision-DS-2CD2132-I-Fixed-Focal-Camera/dp/B00EJXK0I6 is only 2 axis, that means you can only properly mount it on a flat horzontal surface (ceiling mount) and not wall mount without additional hardware that is ugly..you need a 3 axis dome like the hikvision 2732 or 2532...(the 2532 has weak ir because if its size)...the other issue with domes is ir reflection (foggy night image if its not set up correctly).... The best of both worlds is the 2332/3332 hikvision turret http://www.amazon.com/Hikvision-DS-2CD2332-I-Turret-Network-Camera/dp/B00GYHEG0S/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1416063268&sr=1-2&keywords=hikvision+turret These can be mounted any way you want, and there is no ir refection issues. Of course you can just get more bullets as well http://www.amazon.com/HIKVISION-DS-2CD2032-I-Outdoor-Bullet-Network/dp/B00M6NC9CG/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1416063325&sr=1-1&keywords=hikvision+2032&pebp=1416063170118 Note that the turret and domes are available with a 2.8mm lens which will give you a wider field of view (at the expense of image quality but it will still look very good and you will have more coverage.) Also, these cams are all available on aliexpress for way less than amazon however you have no warranty or return capablilty (although any warranty via the amazon resellers just depends on the seller and if they stay in business anyway) http://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/IP-Camera/514412_257104127.html
  2. Boogieman

    Just a newbie

    where have you seen this? Dont get carried away to marketing..you need an ip camera system if you want poe.
  3. Boogieman

    Please help me about fps

    HUH? Please explain your question...what system are you using? where are you seeing 8-12fps and then 30?
  4. Boogieman


    Solid not stranded....and you do not need shielded unless running very close to electrical lines or other interference...
  5. Boogieman

    Excellent Complete Box System

    That system is way overpriced...This swann system is a rebranded hikvision and is very good...you will be able to add hikvision cameras to it at a later date. http://www.costco.com/Swann-8-Channel-HD-NVR-Security-System-with-2TB-HDD-and-4-3MP-HD-IP-Cameras.product.100146086.html You are correct about mixing and matching...however if you stick with one manufacturer you can mix and match their various cams...look at hikvision or dahua.. With costco, you can always return it if you dont like it...
  6. Boogieman


    DO NOT RUN CCA...its will/can cause all sorts of problems...aside from it being brittle you may drop packets (not a huge issue on a pc, but on for cams it is) and have issues with POE on long runs..the extra cost is insignificant...for that matter if your are running new cable run cat6...get it from monoprice or cable matters on amazon.
  7. I dont think metricus got english region cameras on ali...metricus how did you confirm that your cameras are english region?
  8. Good point although i run those cameras at 1080p anyways because it provides a wider angle of horizontal view...
  9. If this is what you are referring to...its a good system. http://www.costco.ca/Swann%E2%84%A2-16-channel-HD-NVR-with-3TB-HDD-and-8-HD-1080p-Camera-Kits.product.100115809.html?catalogId=11201&keyword=100115809&langId=-24&storeId=10302&refine= They are rebranded hikvision cameras and NVR... If by rotate you mean pan tilt zoom you are talking 600-2000 per camera depending on the features..remember you cannot just mix and match cameras and NVR's.. You will not be able to use your tv to bring a camera to full screen unless you figure out a way to remotely control your nvr or use an android stick with an app to view cams on the tv...If you want to just change to a channel without having to change the input you will need an rf modulator and will loose image quality...my advice is to keep reading so you learn more before you buy
  10. Boogieman

    Interest in using Android, iOS devices as cameras?

    How is it different than ipwebcam https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pas.webcam&hl=en
  11. Boogieman

    Wiring coax in new construction

    Why dont you use a round junction box...Second, why coax...why not run ethernet and use ip cameras on a new project...at the very least run ethernet now so that will be an option in the future..
  12. Yikes, I hope this isn't common with Hikvision cameras. No its not...its usually something other than the camera when this happens...run good cable , use a good switch and you will be fine....
  13. Boogieman

    Bandwidth/Network Slowdown

    if you homerun to the NVR or a switch attached to the nvr, i dont think that the data passes through the router unless viewing on another network device or remotely.....regardless even if it did you would not even come close to saturating a 10/100 network....not to mention a gigabit connection...you are fine...
  14. Have you scanned the network using sadp or an ip scanner...if you didnt set the camera to maintain a static ip address ...it may have changed...
  15. Boogieman

    New Neighborhood System

    How do you suggest he run cat6 cables from each house to one NVR for streaming? I guess wireless cams would work if he can get them all to connect to one network (can use additional routers as bridges as well). Im going to assume that each house has internet...one camera streaming over the net is no big deal...but with cards in each cam he probably wont even need to do that... Wireless cams are a horrible idea...
  16. Boogieman

    New Neighborhood System

    I disagree, the budget is overkill....install a hikvision camera at each house with a 64gb sd card....the new 3mp with 80m ir and sd card http://www.hikvision.com/UploadFile/image/2014101311390770075.pdf http://www.aliexpress.com/item/new-2014-Original-HIKVISION-3MP-IR-Mini-EXIR-Bullet-Outdoor-Network-Camera-waterproof-infrared-80M-support/32224546393.html You need to confirm sd card option (its in the spec sheet but not in the details here) Total cost for 8 cams is just over 1k....the its all about running the cable and mounting... you can stream each cam over the internet to an nvr if you wish but its probably not needed 64gb will give you two or 3 days...if you want to use an nvr add a couple hundred....
  17. Boogieman


    Glad you fixed it..Was it the foam ring or some other reflection?
  18. Boogieman

    New Neighborhood System

    1) forget about wifi 2) you wont capture anything useful with cameras mounted high up in the attic also you cannot have ir pass though the attic window...you will either need to have external ir or better yet mount the camera outside like its supposed to be.. 3) You are probably best off storing locally to SD cards in each camera
  19. Boogieman

    black clothes showing purple

    It doesnt have an ir cut filter...stop messing with cheap crap or you will continue to have these issues...when a decent hikvision/dahua camera can be had for 85 dollars there is no excuse for "cheap" cameras...
  20. Boogieman

    Outdoor POE Bullet Camera

    hikvision 2032... 85 dollars via aliexpress...4mm lens
  21. they have them, they are called encoders and are expensive at least 80 each..you are WAY better off running Ethernet and installing an ip camera like the hikvision 2032 for 85 dollars on ali express some price..but much better image http://www.amazon.com/TRENDnet-Single-Channel-Encoder-TV-VS1/dp/B005SZ5ZHK/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414898693&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=TRENDnet+Analog+IP+EncoderTRENDnet+Analog+IP+Encoder
  22. Boogieman

    Are these cameras any good?

    That was a good price for that install. Here is a good example make sure to change to quality to 720p Analog is run over coax cable while ip uses ethernet cable. (in general). Ip cameras transfer data over a computer network. Now you can get 1080p using coax but it requires specialized system and you are limited to special DVR's and cameras (sdi or similar technology) but ip cameras can easily do 1080p, 3mp or even more...The quality difference is substantial. Here is a sample of a 3mp hikvision that can be purchased for about 85 dollars on aliexpress make sure to change the setting to the highest resolution otherwise it will default to 480p
  23. Boogieman

    Are these cameras any good?

    The link doesnt work...i think this is the cam http://www.ebay.com/itm/EYEMAX-IB-6325-Dome-Security-Camera-700-TVL-24-IR-LED-SONY-EFFIO-E-DSP-2-9mm-/110854568971 Specs are often meaningless..how is the picture? Im guessing you dont like the quality....How much was the install? On a new install you should have gone with ip cameras...not analog...
  24. Boogieman


    CRD, Since you are getting good images from the second camera...look at the foam ring around the lens and make sure its flush with the dome. Read the link [MOD; removed external forum link and added link here] http://oversea-download.hikvision.com/uploadfile/doc/20140804/Technical%20Bulletin%20DS-2CD21x2-I%20Dome%20Camera%20IR%20Leakage%20v1.1.pdf Ir could also be reflecting from the soffit above the camera...although its doesnt seem to be causing an issue with the good camera.
  25. Its a nice camera...when you install it make sure that the lens is clean inside and out and that there is nothing near the IR that will cause ir reflection (or fog)...make sure the foam gasket around sits flush with the dome cover so that it prevents ir bleed.