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Everything posted by scrooge

  1. trying to format dvd connected to copy2 and get the same "the drive doesn exist"
  2. Hi there! can someone help are suggest how i can get videos from subject's device. I have two dvrs with two 250 hdd on each and i need to get last two weeks videos. I have tried to eject hdd and plugged in to pc with ms windows but i have seen just unlocated drive. Specialist say that i need a special device to copy video to another external hdd, but he was not sure that it is a single way. Can i get it without any additional devices? ps. sorry if it is misstopic
  3. it is not the way, because to do that i need to select each of channel and download not more than 30 minutes video files. it will makes me very sad panda) i has tried to copy to flash (format flash to fat32, insert it to copy2 port on dvr, click and select channels and date not more than 100 minutes) by clicking "ok" i get a message "the drive does not exist". now i'm trying to record on external dvd-recorder
  4. please tell me how can i do it? it is not describe in manuals that i found