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  1. I have the Swann dvr8 1500, and I have had to initialize the hard drive a couple of times to correct recording problems--usually it misses motion it should have recorded. Be aware that it will cause you to lose previous recordings. Dogear
  2. Dogear


    Thanks for all the replies. I have turned on lights, and the picture clears up, but I thought that's what the led's for for--to enable the cameras to see in the dark. I guess I got what I paid for. The system was on sale at Sam's. They just might get it back. Dogear
  3. Dogear


    Anyone have an idea what causes horizontal lines in low light? These Swann Pro 540 cameras have a decent picture in daylight. When switching to B&W, they are pretty clear until it gets dark, then these lines begin on three out of the four cameras. Dogear