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    sos hevc

    #include #include #define MAXPACKETSIZE 50000 //Ìegethos paketon //Dimiourgia PACKET LOSS pou kathorizetai apo to arxeio error int looseit(FILE *err){ int c; do { c = getc (err); if (c == EOF) { fseek(err, 0, SEEK_SET); } else if (c == '0') return 1; else return 0; } while (1); } int main(){ FILE *in, *out, *err0=NULL; unsigned char buf[MAXPACKETSIZE]; unsigned char nal_type; int i; int packet_number=0; char command_line[1000]; printf("Starting video encoding!\n"); printf("\n\n Please Wait!!! \n\n"); //Kodikopoihsh tou video foreman_cif.yuv kai paragogi tou BINARY FILE hevc.bin sprintf(command_line,"%s","TAppEncoder.exe -c cfg\\encoder_randomaccess_main.cfg -q 26 -fr 30 -wdt 352 -hgt 288 -f 300 -i foreman_cif.yuv -b hevc.bin"); system(command_line); printf("End of video encoding!\n"); printf("Starting video transmition \n\n"); printf("A number of packets are going to be lost!!! \n\n"); printf("\n\n Please Wait!!! \n\n"); if (NULL == (in = fopen("rec.yuv","rb"))) { perror("Cannot read input binary file that generated by the video file!"); exit(1); } if (NULL == (out = fopen("hevc_loss.yuv","wb"))) { perror("Cannot open destination binary file with errors"); exit(2); } if (NULL == (err0 = fopen ("error", "rb"))) { perror ("Cannot open error pattern file"); exit (3); } //Dimiourgia sfalmaton sto binary file buf[0]=fgetc(in); buf[1]=fgetc(in); buf[2]=fgetc(in); buf[3]=fgetc(in); buf[4] = fgetc(in); nal_type = buf[4] & 0x0F; for(i=5; ; i++) { buf = fgetc(in); if(feof(in)==0) { if(buf[i-3]==0 && buf[i-2]==0 && buf[i-1]==0 && buf==1) { fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), i-3, out); packet_number++; fflush(out); buf[0]=buf[i-3]; buf[1]=buf[i-2]; buf[2]=buf[i-1]; buf[3]=buf; break; } } } while(feof(in)==0) { for(i=4; ;i++) { buf = fgetc(in); nal_type = buf[4] & 0x1F; if(feof(in)==0) { if(buf[i-3]==0 && buf[i-2]==0 && buf[i-1]==0 && buf==1 ) { if(nal_type==1 || nal_type==20) { if(err0 != NULL && looseit(err0)){ } else { fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), i-3, out); fflush(out); } } else { fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), i-3, out); fflush(out); } packet_number++; buf[0]=buf[i-3]; buf[1]=buf[i-2]; buf[2]=buf[i-1]; buf[3]=buf; break; } } else { fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), i, out); fflush(out); break; } } } fclose(in); fclose(out); if ( err0) fclose(err0); printf("End of transmition!!!\n\n"); printf("Starting video decoding\n\n"); printf("\n\n Please Wait!!! \n\n"); sprintf(command_line,"%s","TAppDecoder.exe -b hevc_loss.bin -o foreman_cif_loss.yuv"); system(command_line); printf("End of video decoding!!!\n\n"); return 0; } How to encode and decode instead of foreman the yuv :soccer_704x576_60_orig_02_yuv.zip186272 kb, 60 fig. per second, using the previous code (hevc) ? and how to evaluate the psnr for the decoded yuv for 2 different profiles of HEVC random Access (RA-HE) & (RA-LC) and various BER (10^-4, 10^-5,10^-6)? 0.42dB RAHE(random access high efficiency) 0.44dB RA LC (random access low complexity) - - - - - - - - - - http://www.sunrayimage.com/yuvanalyzer_psnr.html for the psnr