Hello everyone!
Recently moved into a new home and I am looking to put together a camera system. I would like to purchase all the pieces and then have someone install it. I am located in Southern California. I have a pretty big lot (about 12,000 square feet) and have attached a satellite view picture. Keep in mind the backyard has an aluma wood patio attached to the house. I'm looking to spend roughly $1,500 to $2,000 on equipment. It is extremely dark in my neighborhood at night so I'll need some cameras that will do well in the dark. Looking for some suggestions as to how many I should install and just some overall insight. I would like to be able to view the camera from my Iphone also. Please feel free to give me your ideas on cameras, camera placement, and how many cameras along with any other information you think I'll need. Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to respond to this post.