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Posts posted by wildmack

  1. I think I know whats wrong, but I don't know where I can get the parts. There is a small round case in the camera that allows the camera to swivle while still providing power and video feed without the wires twisting. Can anybody tell me where I can purchase these. The camera doesn't have a model number on it, but says Sony when it first starts up. At this point I'm willing to try and make anything fit as long as it has the ability to allow for 5 different wires. I'm new at this, so a little hard for mr to explane what I'm talking about. Any suggestions??

  2. Thanks for the information. I want to try the software, but I can't seem to get the required .net framework file to load. Does it have to be version I can't find that on the web? I can find newer versions of the software, but still can't get them to load either? Any ideas, it keeps telling me I am missing files. Does the system need to be running service pack2? Dave......
