Hello my friend, I'm from mexico and having similar issue, buy this used dvr on internet and the owner can't remember the password, I realized I could login as guest but can't do many things, one of the things I can do however is download a backup of the configuration, in those files it comes the hash i suppose for the accounts, I tried changing the files and uploading again but didn't work, could you help me telling me how you did to get the passwd file using the web interface pls?
Thank you very much for your assistance, this is what my config file shows:
"Group" : "admin",
"Memo" : "admin 's account",
"Name" : "admin",
"Password" : "1OAZMJJt", <----- I guess this is some kind of hash from the current admin password
"Reserved" : true,
"Sharable" : true
"AuthorityList" : [
"Group" : "user",
"Memo" : "guest 's account",
"Name" : "guest",
"Password" : "tlJwpbo6", <------- I found your post looking for this hash on google which now I know is for a blank password
"Reserved" : true,
"Sharable" : true