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  1. Let me just start off by saying that I'm not competition for anyone on here, so no worries (Very little competition in my immediate area) (and I was a member here in the past, it's just been awhile though so I couldn't remember my original login) This is a pretty long post, so I'll take ANY input from anyone who is nice enough to read it So, here's my conundrum: I'm looking to price for residential customers and small businesses (with a little bit of cheap advertising - small fliers/newspaper ads, etc) and need to set some pseudo-flat-rate prices for installations + equipment.. So the ad could read something like "$XXX for system + free installation!" There will be flexibility in the pricing and equipment, but I just need a starting point. (Probably mostly in the middle-class income bracket) The equipment for the lowest tiers will likely be just good quality generic consumer equipment. So I guess it really boils down to: How should I package the bundles for each tier (4-camera packages? Individual camera pricing? etc) and How should I price them This is a totally random example, but I picture it reading something along the lines of: "One Camera - $XX" "One HD Remote controlled camera w/ DVR - $XX" [ie Foscam PTZ w/ SD slot] "4-camera system + DVR - $XX" (+$XX additional camera) "4-Camera HD 1080p + DVR - $XX" (+$XX additional camera) If anyone actually took the time to skim this, thanks