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Everything posted by Chops

  1. Let me just start off by saying that I'm not competition for anyone on here, so no worries (Very little competition in my immediate area) (and I was a member here in the past, it's just been awhile though so I couldn't remember my original login) This is a pretty long post, so I'll take ANY input from anyone who is nice enough to read it So, here's my conundrum: I'm looking to price for residential customers and small businesses (with a little bit of cheap advertising - small fliers/newspaper ads, etc) and need to set some pseudo-flat-rate prices for installations + equipment.. So the ad could read something like "$XXX for system + free installation!" There will be flexibility in the pricing and equipment, but I just need a starting point. (Probably mostly in the middle-class income bracket) The equipment for the lowest tiers will likely be just good quality generic consumer equipment. So I guess it really boils down to: How should I package the bundles for each tier (4-camera packages? Individual camera pricing? etc) and How should I price them This is a totally random example, but I picture it reading something along the lines of: "One Camera - $XX" "One HD Remote controlled camera w/ DVR - $XX" [ie Foscam PTZ w/ SD slot] "4-camera system + DVR - $XX" (+$XX additional camera) "4-Camera HD 1080p + DVR - $XX" (+$XX additional camera) If anyone actually took the time to skim this, thanks