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Everything posted by ioze

  1. Hello, My destination: See devices on my phone by iVMS-4500. Issue: I see the "Error code:43". Devices: Router Linksys RV042, Hikvision DS-7204HVI-SV, Sony Z (androd), iphone5 What i do? I opened port: 80,554,555,1024,1025,8000,8080 on uPNP on Linksys router for ( linksys router), so now i can see on internet by port 80. https://www.dropbox.com/s/v0k8gzqic303fz8/2014-01-31_13-40-52.png I setup network, ports and dns on Hikvision: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mkxgjhqg0wytf09/2014-01-31_13-30-15.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/f1b6gisc053crk5/2014-01-31_13-30-25.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/43al03i6o53kcyu/2014-01-31_13-31-48.png Than i installed app on Android and iphone - iVMS-4500 Adding device: https://www.dropbox.com/s/68fm0grm4xn0nuq/2014-01-31_13-38-04.png and booom https://www.dropbox.com/s/d675gmacnfkk5m3/2014-01-31_13-38-10.png I did try with hkDNDS but can`t connect ( i added corectly device to www.hik-online.com ) I also install iVMS-4200 on my Windows 7 but when im trying to connect i see: Login failed. The device DNS error. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ms75yxen2kf4k2/2014-01-31_13-42-58.png There is only one way for me where this is working. 1) im setup VPN to Linksys router and connect to him 2) i added device with local address ip without problems And working, but i would like to do this without VPN. Thank you for any help.
  2. Hello, I have a problem. Redirections port of DVR on the outside (external network) From outside (external ip), I see recorder, but when you try to log unknown error pops up: "Network connection fails, check your network" - Issue Locally I can login. But from outside of network not. Maybe i need to forward more ports? There is no firewall on the router. DVR: http://www.662.cz/file/datasheet-kd-z-3804-n-z-3808-n-z-3816-n-z-3832-n.pdf http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/GWSECU-8ch-poe-hdmi-nvr-KD_1644296200.html - local login is okey - network settings - network settings 2 - network/port settings - Issue - Forwarded ports on the router Any idea?
  3. Is it possible to install new software to this DVR ? This one looks litle a bit poor. Maybe there is a problem. Can any one recommend something?
  4. Yes, this is local IP of the router and this is my gate Or maybe there should be external IP for Gataway?
  5. Even if i set 80 on port? https://www.dropbox.com/s/93upo0czsnf0u7m/2014-01-31_15-20-09.png So i`ve just "Connection failed". On local (by VPN) is okey by 8000.