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Everything posted by gshultz1

  1. I have a DVR connected to 4 24 VAC cameras and everything works fine. When I connect one or more additional cameras (12VDC) to the DVR, the system seems to work OK, but every once in while the DVR randomly reboots, sometimes every few minutes, sometimes every few hours. The spec for the DVR requires the camera input to be 1 V peak to peak and the camera spec sheet says that the output is 1 V peak to peak. The DVR is made by GE model DVRMe-16CT and can accept 16 camera inputs. I have tried switching the inputs around hoping that ii may be one bad interface but this does not work. Does anyone know what could be causing the DVR to reset? Could it be the camera signal into the DVR is not meeting spec or is it the different excitation voltage of the cameras or possibly something else.