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Everything posted by quodlibet

  1. quodlibet

    Help in identifying a DVR

    Here's another picture. You can see how small the board actually is.
  2. Hello I'm trying to identify the DVR as per attached pictures. It has no markings except for the s/n and no other identifying sign (even the MAC address is not from a registered producer). Most of the supplied software doesn't work and some of the referred websites are dead. The following ports appear to be open (normal system credentials don't work via telnet): 23/tcp 80/tcp 554/tcp 9001/tcp 9527/tcp 23080/tcp 34567/tcp 34599/tcp Next step will be opening it to look for a serial header. Any hint will be appreciated!
  3. quodlibet

    Help in identifying a DVR

    It has some sort of cloud support, but it doesn't exactly work. Does your DVR look like the pictures? P.S: I took a picture of the motherboard too, will upload it as well later.