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Everything posted by Lapheus

  1. Hello CBX, thank you for the actual directory structure. Now I can download the new Firmware. The new Sturcture is: /Hikvision_IP_PTZ/Hikvision_IP_Camera_Firmware/Raptor_2xxx_Series/
  2. Hi, I can't acces the FTP Server. I get the error: "550 Can't change directory to /Hikvision_IP_Camera_Firmware/: No such file or directory". I can't access www.hikvisioneurope.com/portal/ anymore. I don't get a nsloopup for hikvisioneurope.com anymore. Can anybody send me the 5.2.0 firmware over PN? Greetings Lapheus
  3. Hi, for the MAC Users: ftp://ftp.hikvisionusa.com/Hikvision Client Software/web component/mac user name: hikfirmware Password Hikvision123 (note the H is capitol ) ??? Don't Know if it funktions...
  4. Hello CBX, Yes, I'm intersted in other languages. Perhaps it is possible to set up German, but if you change some bytes it will not be possible. Thank you.