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  1. dave62

    ptz hook up

    Keyboard Controller now i see two diff one rs232 and rs485 do they not get hook up to rev ? just to ptz
  2. dave62

    ptz hook up

    i got them on ebay put i do have ptz manual on a usb zip fill in pfd here what i got http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251420755151&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:US:1123 sw2 i will put PELCO-D right? on both . sw1 where i dont know what n to do i have 2 of the ptz . do i put sw1 dip 1 for ptz 1 and sw1 dip 2 for ptz 2? i have 4 cam 3.6mm on ch 1-4 right now .
  3. dave62

    ptz hook up

    hi im new to this someone gave me a dvmr model no sa16co-rwi have 4 cam on it now . i want to put 2 to 3 ptz on it . im looking at a 700TVL SONY CCD 30x Camera) line with Auto Tracking . will it work with my dvmr ? next ? about RS-485 ? went you hook up rs485 with 2 or more ptz they all get hook up as one ? next ? SW1 Dip switch for the dome address SW2 Dip switch for the dome protocol how do we do this one and how you what switch to dip ? let say im hook up 2 or more ptz what wood ptz 1 be ? and what wood ptz 2 be ? now for dvr how to set that up ? i know i have to go into ptz setting next ? Baud Rate Setup sw2-5 4800 sw2-6 2400 ?