Hi, I had a client who bought a dell optiplex 9020 and use it as a cctv system recorder. Somehow the pc always hang at the cctv interface screen when the user runs the software. I had no idea what was actually the problem with this Optiplex 9020 system. Could you help me please?
He had actually tested it with older type of dell optiplex 9010 but it seems working fine but not in optiplex 9020. I had also reformat the optiplex 9020 pc and reinstall all the drivers but it seems that it doesn't solve the problem as well.
The client has been using evermedia nv5000.
This is the specification of the PC.
Processor: Intel® Core i7-4770 CPU @3.40GHz
Memory: 8.00GB
Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4600
Windows: Windows 7 32 bit
Processor cores : 4
Harddisk size 1tb.
Total available graphics memory: 1563MB
DirectX 10
Network Adapter Intel® Ethernet Connection 1217-LM