Greetings, Thanks for offering this forum!
I have a Zmodo h.264 and am trying to connect it to the internet for remote viewing. I have DSL service. Modem is an Actiontec GT701R, Router is a Linksys WRT54G. I cannot get the ports to open. I'm a little stupid on how this is accomplished.
First I tried to open the ports in the router. I opened 80, 5050, 6060, and 7070 as per the instructions at the zmodo networking guide here Testing said ports not open. The Actiontec modem also has a port forwarding menu. I tried opening 80, 5050, 6060, and 7070 on TCP,, which should be the address of the DVR. Testing again said ports not open.
I am unclear on whether I need to open ports on the modem, the router, or both. I have a pretty good tutorial on how to do it on the router, but if I have to do it on the modem, I am not clear on what settings to use.