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Everything posted by FamilyLaundry

  1. Greetings, Thanks for offering this forum! I have a Zmodo h.264 and am trying to connect it to the internet for remote viewing. I have DSL service. Modem is an Actiontec GT701R, Router is a Linksys WRT54G. I cannot get the ports to open. I'm a little stupid on how this is accomplished. First I tried to open the ports in the router. I opened 80, 5050, 6060, and 7070 as per the instructions at the zmodo networking guide here http://kb.zmodo.com/NetworkTutorial/landingpage.html. Testing said ports not open. The Actiontec modem also has a port forwarding menu. I tried opening 80, 5050, 6060, and 7070 on TCP,, which should be the address of the DVR. Testing again said ports not open. I am unclear on whether I need to open ports on the modem, the router, or both. I have a pretty good tutorial on how to do it on the router, but if I have to do it on the modem, I am not clear on what settings to use. Thanks!
  2. FamilyLaundry

    Port forwarding problems, zmodo h.264

    Sorry I have disappeared. Been really busy with other things. Anyway. I got the ports open. I forwarded the ports on the modem to Now port testing shows all forwarded ports open. However, I still cannot connect to the DVR with the IP address that IPchicken gives me. I am aware that I have a dynamic IP and that I will have to deal with that down the road, just trying to get it to work correctly first. I am going to print out your last set of instructions and go over there today and report back with my findings. I really appreciate your willingness to help me through this. It is unusual in today's world to find people willing to share their time and expertise for free. Thanks.
  3. FamilyLaundry

    Port forwarding problems, zmodo h.264

    Thank you so much for the help. The modem only has one ethernet port out the back so I don't understand why it's a router, but perhaps the terms are a bit misleading. 1) 2) Yes 3) 4) No, PPoE 1) I went to status page Login type -DHCP IP Addr Subnet Default gateway Then 2 DNS settings 2) From the Setup page Network cable plugged into router I am using the WRT54G because of wireless for internet. Zmodo says I need to open the ports on the modem and specify the routers address ( I was specifying the DVRs address ( I am concerned about why I see a address of on my router's status screen. Again, thanks a lot for the reply. Quite the learning curve on this networking stuff!