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Everything posted by costud

  1. Hello guys, I just bought this camera from Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141167267276?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649. All good, received in good condition, installed and happy with it exactly 5 days. Yesterday, when I have to access the camera adress in browser, after i signed in, beside camera image I see a message saying that "This machine is suspected of using priated program of Xiongmai,please refer to the following link: http://www.xiongmaitech.com" And that was all! My frend the seller didn't respond me, and I try now to find a solution to put the camera working again. Please help me. Is there a way to install a new free firmware for the camera? Is there an error and the firmware is ok? The xiongmaitech site is down... Here you have a picture with the camera label. Thank you in advance for any help.
  2. Yes I have resolved the problem three months ago. I sent back the camera and received another, with another firmware, but the shipping costs I paid were half of the camera price... Next time I think twice before buying such a camera...
  3. I know the replacement is not a solution because of shipment costs. Of course I didn't expected to happen this as I know many who have bought those cameras from ebay with no problem... But now I even don't understand where is the problem? Is a not genuine camera that use an unauthorized firmware or what? And if it is so, are there any chances to change the firmware? Please explain if there are any solutions to repair this product, not to send back. Thank you.