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  1. busta9

    Video Noise multi use coax

    They are powered from different power supplies. I use two 30 VAC doorbell transformers and one rectifier (28Vdc approx.) for the motors and the camera is powered using a computer power supply (400W). They are both powered using the same 120V supply. Does this information change your answer? Thanks for your reply
  2. busta9

    Video Noise multi use coax

    I am working on a diy project and looking for advice on how to eliminate video noise. Its a fairly simple setup that allows me to pan and rotate a mini bullet camera. I am using a multi conductor coax cable that is powering the two small 24Vdc motors along with a KPC-E190NU mini bullet cam. The picture on the monitor looks good but when the motors are running there is wavy lines that distort the picture. Only the video cable is shielded and the other conductors are not twisted pairs. What are the options/best design practices to eliminate video noise in this case? Thanks for your help