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  1. youngcaptain

    Magic Radar 16ch

    i done win xp format soo meny time i try that 3...all versiyon but is the same message come up no board faund only work with 2.4 v but with 4 cam no more Thank you for reply my system is P 4 3.4ghz(i dont know chip speed 666 or 800mhz) 2gb ddr ram 520gb hd ATI 256mb grafik card
  2. dear all i have a magic radar card 16ch 4cam is ok but when i want to put 5-6-7...cams its not working. all my screens and mouse freeze software versiyon is 2.4 i tried to upgrade that software to 4.2.20 but didnt work i think Firmware is very old aswell. can some body help me pls about software and firmware upgrade where can i find them???? many Thanks....
  3. hi dear all i have a magic radar dvr card and (16ch) and software 2.45 all working record playback but when i want to setup network but i have no experince my router is netgear i have adsl 24mb with fix ip can some one pls help me on skpe or msn messenger by voice