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just dessets

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  1. Hi peoples on here thought you all like to see the new cctv cameras that's been installed on our house as more are put ill link more images
  2. just dessets

    decent quality cameras

    anyone know a reputable source online for decent quality cameras is it better to obtain them from uk or china i ve heard they are cheaper from china but is the quality any better have heard mixed views from a few friends so thought best to check here ta
  3. just dessets

    how good are infa red cameras

    just curious are infa red cameras over rated or worth the extra money cheers
  4. just dessets

    Home surveillance

    what about a refurbed model we would prefer dedicated micro s as we have heard good reports of them
  5. just dessets

    Home surveillance

    Hi there I am thinking about having new cameras preferably speed domes with infa red installed on my property as we have alot of trouble with gangs hanging around the area I am ideally looking for a competent trained engineer to do this and thought this would be the best place to post for my requirements we would be looking at about four or five cameras plus statics as well as well as a full alarm system to be installed we have been told that dedicated micros for the dvr is a good make we would be interested in any feedback or possible engineers ie for a job recommendation thanks just some backgound info we live in residential property in tamworth uk if anyone is interested or can give us further info please let us know via this forum and we can discuss further cheers " title="Applause" />
  6. just dessets

    New here

    Hi there i m known as just dessets and I hail from staffs uk looking forward to hearing from you all in due course