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Everything posted by sansisc

  1. we just came across some Hikvision DVRs that were infected with malware. The malware did scan outbound for vulnerable Synology disk stations (port 5000 tcp) and ran a bitcoin miner. Other DVRs may be affected as well. So far, it looks like the infection happened with telnet using default credentials . To check if your DVR is affected: - telnet to the DVR - login as root (password should be the same as your "admin" password) - check the /dev/ directory for odd files. The only entries in this directory should be devices, you shouldn't have any actual files. For more details, see: https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/More+Device+Malware+This+is+why+your+DVR+attacked+my+Synology+Disk+Station+and+now+with+Bitcoin+Miner+/17879 If you find anything on your DVR, please let us know as we are still investigating this issue. (https://isc.sans.edu/contact.html ) Thanks.