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Everything posted by lolo130

  1. hello everyone I've a DVR Chinese make nothing is on it else H.264 and I'm trying to access the GUI using usb mouse and it shows a box with Device ID and Password. The device ID looks like is default 000000 and the password I don't know it I had it for 6 month and was working fine but now when i'm putting 123456 as a password it opens the menu but I can't access any of it when I'm trying to access anything like Advaced or HDD or whateve is showing me a message " You aren't allowed to access " and by the way I've access to the DVR with Telnet but I don't know any of linux command as I found that I was able to access telnet by login: root and password: 123456 any help will be appreciated....!
  2. lolo130

    Help with my DVR H.264 Password

    oki doki thanx a lot for your previous help.. but now I want to be able to see the cameras through my iPhone? is there any way better than having an account on dyndns.com ? like using something free like ipchange.com and what kind of application on the iPhone will work ? thanks to you in advance for your help
  3. lolo130

    Help with my DVR H.264 Password

    SORRRRRRRRRY i got that message because i was controlling the DVR from the device by it self then I left it without to log out from the menu since i was shooting with my mobile the previous pictures so was appearing that there was another person configuring it .. even the password that you pm'ed me is working fine and i was able to change the passord through yours............EVERYTHING NOW IS FINE thanks a millioooooooooooooooooooon DEAR
  4. lolo130

    Help with my DVR H.264 Password

    first of all thanx a milliooooon the password worked for me BUT i can't change any of setting is showing me this :
  5. lolo130

    Help with my DVR H.264 Password

    even now i tried to change the password : and this what i got: ~ $ passwd Changing password for root Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters) Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Enter new password: Re-enter new password: passwd: An error occurred updating the password file.