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Alexey Chaykin

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Everything posted by Alexey Chaykin

  1. Alexey Chaykin

    Criticize the idea

    We are using standard PC for now. i3 laptop for example. HD IP camera is needed, in case we can not put the camera close enough to the faces. Otherwise simple USB camera is enough. The main requirement is that faces should be at least 80x80 pixels, frontal and good, smooth lighting without strong shades. Camera should be mounted on average person's height, so it looks straight to the faces of entering people. My biggest concern is that people wont spent time adjusting camera position to get the system working properly. On the other hand, if there is a critical business issue, that can be solved by using the additional information, our software captures, people can be motivated enough to put some efforts to properly position the camera. What do you think, would people pay to get such kind of additional info?
  2. Alexey Chaykin

    Criticize the idea

    Hi, I'd like to get your feedback on software project's idea. We developed a product, that enables user to count store visitors. Well, I know, that kind of software is not new. There are a lot of systems, that uses video camera to count visitors, by tracking motion and so on. The difference is, that we turned camera, so it looks on people faces and analyse them in addition to counting. The benefit of this approach is that: 1) We can determine visitor's age and gender 2) We can determine visit duration, using two cameras: one remembers faces of entering people and another observes faces of exiting people and compares them against entered ones. By connecting relevant enters and exists we can determine visit duration. 3) We can determine returned visitors and count them separately 4) We can train staff faces and exclude them from statistics 5) We can compare every face with "black-list" and warn security We've implemented points 1 and 2 so far. A few more details, pictures and demo video can be found at http://gofacerecognition.com/en/counter/ What do you think about this idea? Can this be useful? Does it worth continue investing time to this? Any other feedback. We can give free pilot version, in case anyone wants to try it. Thanks