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Everything posted by iTuneDVR

  1. iTuneDVR

    Dahua products manufacturer

    Thank you for understanding
  2. In PSS 4.06.6 Change in INI file it's simple. Look an \Skin\Default\*.bmp Ex: bottom_disable_en.bmp,bottom_down_en.bmp, bottom_normal_en.bmp, bottom_over_en.bmp, tasknoticbg.bmp, Login_disable_en.bmp, Login_down_en.bmp, Login_normal_en.bmp, Login_over_en.bmp Edit bmp file as you wish! Ex: in attach
  3. Check youself ! ftp://ftp.hikvisionusa.com/Hikvision_IP_Camera_Firmware/Raptor_2xxx_Series/ User: hikfirmware PW: Hikvision123
  4. iTuneDVR

    Dahua products manufacturer

    I think not! I have heard that now the owner Hilvision is Dahua, but as a brand Hikvision continues. Only business functions and nothing all! It is not necessary to kill the chiсken hen that lays the golden eggs
  5. iTuneDVR

    Dahua products manufacturer

    We hardly know it. But I know that the factories producing Dahua camera HIikvision. Also, some DVRs were made ​​for Dahua BOSCH. (style menu BOSCH) In Dahua just huge power and it can do a lot. However, the direction of the video - this is only a small part of what is actually involved in this giant. This state-owned company, which has a different production in many industries. That de Regarding outsourcing, it is possible and it is. But I think the software writes a wholly owned subsidiary. I caught a lot of firmwares from DVR, NVR, IPC Dahua (and not only Dahua) and style with basically the same. And what is your purpose in this matter?
  6. iTuneDVR

    forgotten password for fuho h-863b , help!

    I opened the same firmware from http://www.fuho.com/download/Driver/8CH%20firmware/8CH_V2.3_0613.rar Intresting! Catch passwd hash! Try to use telnet root/root Maybe you'll can reset the data manualy!
  7. I am glad that you have everything turned out. Good luck
  8. iTuneDVR

    Help me i'm forget my CY-H6132 32ch HVR password

    Yes.! NULL password is default, but if it changed? Reset Admin password for the DVR date 2014-08-16 PzjTqP 2014-08-17 yBxj8f Important!!! Uppercase and lowercase letters are different!
  9. Here it is http://itunedvr.ru/_ftp/DAHUA/IPC/DH_IPC-HX8XXX_Eng_P_V2.400.0000.2.R.20140506.bin
  10. I think you need HF-X-E firmware! If you have the firmware for the DVR, which is suitable for your DVR, then it is possible to rebuild and enable NTSC or maybe rebuid your own firmware in DVR.
  11. Then, let's modify the one that's on your DVR. Set by the DVR to the outside with a white IP, downloaded your firmware of the DVR will change the firmware and write it down to change the DVR! Or i have new firmware General_DVRxx04HF-X-E(V2.0)_Eng_P_V3.200.0001.0.R.20131224 an old General_DVRxx04HF-X-E_Eng_P_V2.608.0000.1.R.20111205 But maybe is the different planform. What is the version of your firmware?
  12. Then, let's modify the one that's on your DVR. Version of your firmware? Set by the registrar to the outside with a white IP, downloaded your firmware of the DVR will change the firmware and write it down to change the DVR!
  13. Do you have original firmware for your DVR? Ppossible to rebuild the firmware based on your and your DVR. Send firmware to my e-mail.
  14. Prove it at 2014-08-14? You did not say the date on the DVR!
  15. Sorry, i mean date time in your DVR. admin and gereate password at this date on your DVR can help you. I already gave you password at 2014-08-14 for the admin account. What is your DVR time date? 776384 -is wrond generate password at 2014-08-14!!!
  16. Make dvr login screenshot
  17. On 2014-08-14 DVR date Login : admin Password : 936384
  18. Please, make login photos of your dvr. Maybe it dahua or maybe it XM. Different passwords of the current day to reset you dvr.
  19. Use CBX utils and there is no wasted time!