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  1. Anyone can advise which way is the best to lay cabling(RJ45 CAT6) with analgue/IP camera connected from various building within the premises to centralised location? Wireless approach or using BNC type?
  2. Hey ssnapier, I didnt configure QoS with VLAN. And was not that familiar with CCTV through LAN. And actually I'm experiencing some problem on getting CCTV display on my laptop. Its behavior was that certain channels able to view while others remains black screen in the CCTV console. I do not understand whether is due to streaming problem. Plugin components are installed thru IE.
  3. If we have 2 different CCTV models to be connected under same VLAN ID, will the streaming cause to disrupt the network traffic?
  4. I got NVR device that comes with email notification feature which will help to notify the owner upon failure of IP camera. However, I tried to configure with its settings based on mail server name, mail port:25 and its email sender address and could not receive on my side. Usually, NVR could send out its notification to designated mail address. My IP cameras and NVR are connected in VLAN configuration which its VLAN ID are untagged in the network switch. Was it due the VLAN setup though my IP cameras are functioning with its NVR?
  5. vinstaruser

    CCTV Streaming problem?

    I got my place with 8 IP cameras connected network router with NVR connecting to it as well. My laptop with 8 GB RAM was able to capture and view the CCTV channel through its IE browser with no problem connecting with LAN. However, my friend used other laptop with 8 GB RAM, O/S Win7 32bit couldn't view the CCTV footage at all with black screen. Reinstalled with its plugin Active X components to allow its display but still no avail. I used another laptop which has 4 GB RAM and same O/S. Its behavior of CCTV streaming could only capture 4 or 5 channels instead of full 8 channels. Was it due bandwidth of the network infrastructure? Or other reasons such as spec of laptop and was told the speed transfer of CCTV is at 2Mb/sec. I'm new to CCTV area that I am required to understand and resolve the problem.