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Everything posted by Huishi

  1. Huishi

    Cannot configure CCTV remote viewing

    hey i figured it out! in huawei routers --> dmz settings dmz: (check) enable Host address: <--ip address of the dvr also include the ports in the port forwarding section with the ip address of the dvr. (as in the attachment) Thanks all for the replies!
  2. Huishi

    Cannot configure CCTV remote viewing

    Thank you so much for the reply! actually i tried primary dns as (the default gateway ) but it didn't work! im not using DynDNS. i log remotely as (static ip):(port) so does the DNS ips matters? (a static ip is purchased from the service provider and i confirmed that it is assigned to the router im dealing with) and I understand your diagram! thank you so much for the effort! BUT with the same settings in the dvr and using a ZTE router i was able to log in to the dvr remotely and was able to watch live feed from the cameras remotely! the zte router required "start port" and "end port" when port forwarding. the start port-->88 end port--> 34567 (because in the dvr HTTP port-->88 Media port-->34567 were given). But the router as in the attachment is a Huawei e5172 router which asks for a "local port" and a "remote port range". so the local port is given as 88 and remote port range 88-34567. but i was able to only to log in to the dvr! afterwards no video is loaded! i tried giving 2 entries in the port forwarding page as remote port range-->88 local port-->88 and a separate entry as remote port range-->34567 local port-->34567 (I tried switching the entries i.e. first entry is given as remote port range-->34567 local port-->34567 then remote port range-->88 local port-->88. yet no success!) . Yet again only port 88 has been forwarded! is there a specific format that I should adhere when giving entries in the port forwarding section in Huawei routers? I tried various formats in portforward.com for this router (because that website hasn't provided a format for Huishi dvr) yet again no success! i think my problem remains here. please correct me if not!
  3. Huishi

    Cannot configure CCTV remote viewing

    hi all im new to cctv installation and to this forum... Aventura cctv cameras were used and a Huishi dvr is used. the configurations were done as in the following attachments. the router has a static ip and can log to it remotely with the current configurations. but the camera videos does not load. in the internal network you can log in to the dvr and videos can be viewed. please help!