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Everything posted by gigimorphe

  1. Hi i have a friend who is tight on budget he always buy cheap stuff and he end up asking me to install them. i went down to his unit and i saw 5 cctv dvr hooked up on 5 tft screen.but the units was not connected to any network. this is the setup 1x Evision Chinese 3x Hd iDVR Chinese 1x H.264 Chinese 3com 8 port 10/100 hub no documentation for these units only for those 3 Hd iDVR. i did read the manual and i saw these units has ports like TCP 34567 and http 80 i would like to ask if any one of you is familliar with these linux based units is there a way if i change these ports that the dvr gonna be accesable? the problem is he want to access all these units from single application on mobile phone and also from web browser. i know this is impossible due to fact that some of these units has diferent media output. i think this is possible only from web browser. i was looking online for Evision documentation but could not find anything not even the company. another thing is the router he has one Linksys WAG354G from2006 this unit has problem to go online you have to disconnect and connect the power many time to get the unit online i have reflashed the firmware but i think this is related to bga chip due to years and heat. i would like to ask for an advice what is the best router for handling multiple dvrs on one public ip with port forwardings. just not sure if these units going to work on different ports separately. i want to assign on each of them the static ip from and so on up to then adding ports 80 81 82 83 84 and the tcp changing to 9000 9001 9002 9003 9005 not sure if these units has media port built and if this has number by default as i have only one documetation. not even shure of i can use any CMS software where i can hook up these boxes. could you please let me know what is the best settings for these units and also the router as i have to buy one but need forwarding multiple dvrs on single public ip they have static ip from ISP . thanks
  2. Hi i would like to ask if any of you guys can recommend some good routers with good range of settings. thanks
  3. dont spend to much on dvrs unless you willing to buy the same quality as the airport has. q-see kguard swann many other are basicly same some of them has programmable bga processor and the os is stored in serial flash. all of them is chinese. i think if you pick any of these and wire up with prper wires then you can use the rest of the money on some holiday. 3500 is to much for cctv
  4. Hi the first thing you should do before you put all the wires up is to hook up the unit on the floor why floor ? is less chance some of the equipment fall down from table and brake. if all works then you know on the end this could be from few things like did you pull the cable too hard some time the wires fracture inside the cable then you have problem like no ground on video output then the camera circuitry start looking for other grounds. in most cases the people handling cables like laundry rope or you are like me lucky to pick the faulty unit from store but seriously now this faults could be from pulled cables or strain inductance between cables. some cables are so cheap and the core of the cable is not filtered like coaxials that mean the ground is runing near the signal cable and not around like a shield. when you have large concrete building with embedded metal fames this can generate inductive noise its enough simmilar like electromagnet works. i believe in the building you have lifts air condition and many more appliances these can generate lots af noises especially when you running cables near iron bar or inside the wall. on some power supply you have ferite coils to avoid any noise from appliances. here is some example http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3344/en/ Field Wiring and Noise Considerations for Analog Signals Overview Unfortunately, measuring analog signals with a data acquisition device is not always as simple as wiring the signal source leads to the data acquisition device. Knowledge of the nature of the signal source, a suitable configuration of the data acquisition device, and an appropriate cabling scheme may be required to produce accurate and noise-free measurements. The integrity of the acquired data depends upon the entire analog signal path. In order to cover a wide variety of applications, most data acquisition devices provide some flexibility in their analog input stage configuration. The price of this flexibility is, however, some confusion as to the proper applications of the various input configurations and their relative merits. This note helps clarify the types of input configurations available on data acquisition devices, explains how the user should choose and use the configuration best for the application, and discusses interference noise pick up mechanisms and how to minimize interference noise by proper cabling and shielding. An understanding of the types of signal sources and measurement systems is a prerequisite to application of good measurement techniques, so we will begin by discussing the same. the rest is here http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3344/en/ take the cables out from the wall check put everything on the floor hook up allthe cables and cameras and if you see the same start swapping cables and cameras then you know which cale is faulty. if all works great then its the noise from the structure of building. for that you have to have better cables or custom made. i made my own also i bought some thin coaxials and made separately the video audio and power cable all ground connected together also i added ferit ring (cable in loop on each end and middle) let me know what was wrong
  5. Hi looks like someting is wrong ... have you tried to swap the other working one with the faulty ones ? if the fault persist ring the cables through if tere is not missing ground or dodge contacts. make sure you disconnect the power lead that suply the voltages to the cameras. if the cables are ok put the power back to the cable and check the voltages with multimeter. another thing once i found similar fault and it was from dodge power supply some chinese power supply its not filtered well that mean the ground is not proper has noise this lead to many failures for example on laptops the mouse start jumping or freezeng. on other device where you have logic circuits or pre amps this can cause maulfunction. if you have one power supply that supply all the cameras then more likely gonna be the camera. inside the camera you have circuit that regulate the ir diodes simmilar to dimm switch. the opto element get triggered when there is no light this is due to some circuitry like comparator this could be made from transistors triacks or ttls logics. if is stucking in night mode more likely the gate stay open on the comparator so this is due to some fault in the circuitry. in some cases when you have a very chinese unit this circuit are made from transistors and capacitors then is heat related because the capacitors changing value after heat change. i hope this helped sorry to be to technical
  6. gigimorphe

    Multiple chinese dvr on one network

    thanks for advice the problem is the guy has no clue about port mapping not even how to use the computer sometime. i think i will make him on plain paper guide one by one steps how to watch each dvrs. any recomendation for good router?
  7. gigimorphe

    Multiple chinese dvr on one network

    thanks i know the port forwarding just with manual gonna be better because atleast i gonna know the specification of these chinese boxes. some of them has ability to change the rtsp port some of them has no. any good advice for router i was looking online but there is a few brand some of them start over £200. i saw many company buy the tplink td-w8960n this unit has good ability to port forward but the internal circuit is very cheap. i owned one and the internal wifi start playing due to heat most component has no radiator fo cooling such as the bga chip or the buffers. could you advice some fair router? thanks
  8. gigimorphe

    KGUARD KG-CA104-H04

    Hi not sure if enyone has the binary file from the mxic MX29GL128EHT2i-90G my unit failed to boot after reboot. it hangs on system initialisation and i have no vga output just on BNC. not sure if the unit accessable via telnet. i read here on forum somone has the same problem and they had source from working unit aand they just connected to cctv and fixed the firmware. is there any way to program this via jtag or any other methode? did any of you guys have the working file from working unit? last question the sha104 firmware sw file is the same full image like inside the mx29gl128? or is just a partial? thanks regards gigi