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Everything posted by bruce674

  1. bruce674

    Opening DVR in browser: "Login failed"

    I've been having a similar issue I have a CnM secure h264 security camera system and have ab issue while trying to login to the online management web app. Example, i navigate to the IP address of the box (both internal/external IPs have been tried), and attempt to login, i am shown the message, 'Login failed' to the interface. I have tried the following scenarios: - Tried logging in with a blank password after disabling the password feature using the interface on the machine. - Tried setting a password using the machine interface then attempting to login through a browser using both the admin and user password - Tried factory resetting the machine (which removed any password), then attempted to login through a browser using a blank password and default admin passwords i found online, something like 020818 and 123456. After seeing the above information (compatibility mode) it appears the a login attempt is made (logging . . . appears for a few seconds before login failed appears) What version of Internet Explorer should be used when attempting to login? (I have also used Chrome and Firefox but can't get the ActiveX controls working properly for them) Thanks for any help