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Everything posted by bike_rider

  1. I don't have 8.4, but I've never seen a browser interface that would stream to quicktime easily. I know it can be done by logging in under IE and then copying the URL with the sessionID into quicktime. So it can be done, but it isn't "supported" as far as I know. Check to see if your GV web server configuration is set to the "less secure" setting - turn off "enhanced network security". Mmaybe make sure your 3GPP setting is active (although I'm not sure what that does).
  2. I don't understand what you mean by "regular browser". You'll have to give more information. Is this a new setup? did it used to work? etc.
  3. iView requires a specific version (or better) of GV. What version do you have. I think there is an Apple version of IP Cam Viewer. If so, try that. For desktop browsers, you need ActiveX.
  4. bike_rider

    too many DVRs.....head will explode!

    While I appreciate your point of view, I think your long response on how much you have to do to make a PC based system work "right" supports my statement.
  5. bike_rider

    Vivotek IP8362 - POE ?

    Vivotek is down for me also, but the Google cache of their product page says "Built-in 802.3af Compliant PoE"
  6. viewtopic.php?f=19&t=11322 Thanks. I thought it was sticky, so I could not find it.
  7. Didn't there use to be a sticky with samples from various MP cameras?
  8. bike_rider

    Time Compressor vs Motion Cut

    I don't think "motion trigger" is a good term to use here because that phrase usually means "motion caused recording to start". I kind of like synopsis. Maybe "Scene Synopsis". OTOH, it I was naming it I'd call it "Scene Overview" or "Change Overview" or even "Scene Review".
  9. bike_rider

    Please help! Question about how to upgrade?

    If I understand this correctly, you now have nothing because the upgrade failed. Is it too late to use windows system restore to role back to a known good point?
  10. bike_rider

    Occupancy Sensors

    I just put one in the garage and one in the master bedroom closet. Should have done this years ago. The only issue I ran into is that in a multi-switch setup (pass through laundry room in my case), the sensor needs to be on the load end of the switches. In my case this meant that I could not put the sensor in the place I wanted to avoid false positives. I was not going to rewire the switch boxes to solve this. Other than that, they were trivial to put in, replacing an existing wall switch. Make sure you pay attention to flourecent/halogen compatibility if needed.
  11. bike_rider

    Please help! Question about how to upgrade?

    Try sending an email to geovision support to see if they can verify the serial number. The link is on their web site somewhere.
  12. I don't understand this answer.
  13. bike_rider

    Please help! Question about how to upgrade?

    It is a bit weird that a card installed last year would be so out of date. I put in a card 4 years ago and I'm on 8.2 Maybe the card is fake. Here is the safest thing to do: Pull the hard drive from the computer. Put in a new one. Install Windows from scratch (XP is still quite good for this). Do a clean install of the latest version you can get. GV has a page on their web site somewhere to request a download password. If it all goes bad, you can just plug the old hard drive back in. IP Cam Viewer is great, I use the Android version.
  14. bike_rider

    Starting PTZ scan remotely with DMMultiview

    Which camera model?
  15. bike_rider

    survallence system

    A good 8 camera system for $800 does not exist.
  16. bike_rider

    Averdigi Nana EH1004H

    Yes, the connect the network port to a switch so that the cameras can communicate with the NVR.
  17. There is a web site that covers the IP video market and does head to head tests, but requires a paid subscription to access their results. Don't know if I can post a link, so check your favorite search engine.
  18. bike_rider

    DVR Recommendations, looking for?

    Somebody needs a hug.
  19. bike_rider

    DVR Recommendations, looking for?

    Not really, Android is a basic mobile OS. Dont expect much from it. Best to get a netbook with Windows if you want to do anything powerful. I don't understand your comment. Mobile phones (iOS/Android/Windows/etc) are not basic in any sense of the word. I have a computer in my pocket that happens to support making phone calls. I'd consider live view and remote playback as "basic" functionality before any DVR/NVR to claim support for a platform. It can be done under Android. Synology does it. Under Windows Mobile (6.x) GV would allow remote playback, and live view with PT support, so mobile platforms can certianly handle the abilities when the DVR/NVR makers catch up. I'm just frustrated that they are being slow. I know that it is driven by demand and it just has not been there (so far). I'm anxiously awaiting a DVR/NVR to catch up with mobile technologies.
  20. Geovisions use a propriety codec. Probaby not the solution if you want to share your videos easily.
  21. bike_rider

    DVR Recommendations, looking for?

    Rory's comment that "Many DVRs have Android software now." is a bit misleading. I have yet to find any DVR that supports remote playback with an android client. Remote live view is easy to find, but not log reviewing or playback.
  22. I don't know anything about those devices, but it should be Alarm Out on the camera to Alarm In on the alarm system. Look at pages 8-11 in that PDF. I googled the manual for the camera. I can't read the language, (Thai?), but page 2 shows a diagram of the I/O block. Top pin and the 5th one down (Alarm Out and Ground (GND) ) look right. The Alarm system talks about a resistor on the line, so that may complicate things. FWIW, camera base motion sensors are generally not reliable enough to drive an alarm system. Cloud shadows look like motion. A passive IR sensor is better - the wiring for an Optex model (good stuff) is included in the alarm system PDF.
  23. I think of cameras a 3rd on the list of things to add to improve security. Monitored alarm system? If you don't have an alarm system the bad guy is free to roam around your house for hours, making sure the camera system goes into his bag. Outside lights? Like it or not, outside lights are a deterrent AND most cameras are happier with some white light. Change the switch on the outside lights to an automatic timer and then you don't have to remember to turn them on. Landscape lighting can be helpful and now that LED lights are available in low voltage landscape lights, the reliability for DIY setups is much better. The map is a good start. For non-megapixel cameras, you can either cover a wide area and see what is happening, or you can cover a choke point (like a gate) and see faces. The problem with faces is that unless it is your neighbors, that's often not valuable to the police. License plates are useful, but unless they drive into your drive way, it isn't going to be easy to get. I think that your budget is too low for good cameras all around. Prioritize your locations. Front door is a must. Back of the garage is also important. If you cover the close gates and front door, then you just have to deal with people approaching the house from that far gate. That might be a good case for a megapixel camera so that you can cover a wide area and get a lot of detail. Don't forget a few signs just in case they don't notice the cameras.
  24. bike_rider

    indoor cam

    Panasonic Pet cams would do the trick.