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Everything posted by pw1981

  1. I am trying to replace/upgrade the DVR on my parent's system. They live in the middle of nowhere, so the camera system gives them piece of mind. The cameras they have are fine and work as well as necessary (no idea what they are), but the DVR is featureless. Its completely unbranded. There is no web interface to look at the system and requires software on the same network to view the feeds. There is no smartphone option or iPad option. I would like to replace their DVR with a good quality device that does the following: -Analog 8 Channel (they have 8 cameras, if a 16 channel that has capability for IP cameras, I would do that for expandability) -Network/Browser Interface -iPhone and iPad compatible - prefer a mobile browser interface so that iOS updates cannot break it -A UI that makes sense... I have seen some DVRs that require special training I would appreciate some make/model recommendations for this project. I won't say that money is no object, but I believe in paying for quality. I have no idea what the POS they have cost, but I KNOW they paid too much. It was not a Sam's Club kit but it was installed by a guy who convinces me more each time he comes to "adjust" something that he doesn't know what he's talking about. My mom calls him every time they can't login with the crummy software on their computers and I live 200 miles away so I can't just come by. I appreciate any guidance. Phil
  2. pw1981

    Help me replace a DVR

    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. I really don't know anything about the cameras. The layout of the system is actually fairly good, so he did that right. There is one additional camera I would have added, but with the 8 vs 16 channel system thing, I see why he did not. I really won't know about the camera quality until I replace the DVR I suppose.