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  1. Would IR work in front of plastic rather than a glass sheet in front or would it not work in the same way. Or is there some kind of plastic changing colour in the dark so IR works but goes light again once daylight Would something like this work https://m.banggood.com/20x30cm-PDLC-Smart-Glass-EGlass-Switchable-Emagic-Electroch-Film-p-1109872.html?gmcCountry=GB&currency=GBP&createTmp=1&cur_warehouse=CN&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cpc_elc&utm_content=zouzou&utm_campaign=pla-brand-elc2-uk&gclid=CjwKCAiAqIHTBRAVEiwA6TgJw0wH4Jw2mjyY4TWiBhnXPpTSlZ3kUMxc1kUNygpc7OO1AQX9Z6IAQBoCd_EQAvD_BwE
  2. have three cameras, each one hooked up to a seperate Motion PIR Light outside the home (a total of three). I have managed to wire up each wireless camera so they only gain power when motion is detected on the PIR Sensor light. I am now trying to wire up, a way to only record video if motion is detected BUT onto a portable MPEG4 PMP Device. What I am actually after is some kind of switch which will detect the light on the PIR has come on via motion, and then trigger the portable device to start recording. The portable device can be left on record function as paused, and would unpause if motion/light was detected. At the moment I would pysically have to press the button to record, but wanted to find a automated option. I was thinking of take two additional wires from the light, and connected to some kind of trigger switch with a fake hand/finger to press the button on the PMP, but I thought there must be an easier way. I am looking for a switch which detects (in my case) 240v and make a connection to two contacts, then again when it goes off. I'd appreciate everyones help. Regards Eilz@hotmail.com