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  1. cbodbyl - Any recommendations amoung the ones you mentioned - I have been leaning towards the Dahua and Hik as they seem to be all anyone talks about on here I am looking to support a 10 camera IP system, video quality is my #1 priority followed closely by ease of access (network and remote).
  2. cbodbyl - I haven't seen any that have that option (looking at all the ones commonly referred on here - Dahua, Hikvision, etc...). Can you point me to a manufacturer or brand that supports this ?
  3. ssnapier - completely separate switches, cables, etc.... The networks are completely segregated - the camera traffic rides its own cabling and switching. That is the root of my issue, since the cameras are on their own net with the NVR, there is no way to access the NVR since it is on the segregated network.
  4. I am designing a multi camera system for the first time and looking at which NVR to pick. Based on the number of cameras and the amount of traffic on the existing network in the building I am going to put the cameras on a dedicated network. I haven't seen any NVRs that have two ethernet ports on them. How do people usually handle this situation ? I would imagine it isn't uncommon to want to keep the camera network segregated from the data network, but the NVR needs to see both. For example - data network is on one switch, with connection to internet on 192.168.1.X Camera network is on separate switch, no internet connection with 10.1.1.X addresses. Ideally the NVR could take traffic from the cameras on the 10 net, but present it's server side to the 192 net. Any suggestions ?