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Posts posted by Deluxecctv.com

  1. Looks like you have a big problem with these camera enclosures. I can't believe that someone would manufacture something like this. Never the less we need to figure out a solution. Obviously the hole that the cameras cords are going through are not big enough to get the proper air flow to the camera.


    I would look into contacting the manufacture and asking what the deal is. If they don't give you a good answer then I would cut the top of the housing. This would be more cost effective. Better than buying 600 fans or replacing 600 cameras. Make sure the insulation is all pulled back away from the housing. This will cause more heat to escape from the housing. I know this is a large job, but you have to do what you have to do. By the way, who was the manufacture of the housings?

  2. There are cameras out there that have this zoom capability. The only problem is the price. For this type of camera, you are looking at around $9,000.00 to 14,000.00 for a single camera. These cameras are hard to come by. What type of application are you using this camera for?

  3. Hello,


    Yes, we have our dealers install external hard drives through the fire wire port on their DVR'S. This is a great idea due to more space.


    I haven't seen any problems with installing external hard drives. I would suggest you use Seagate 7200RPM. These seem to be the most stable. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thanks

  4. The beams are a great idea, but you must mount them high enough so that it does not pick up any cats or animals that my come onto your porch. You don't want a bunch of false alarms going off all of the time.


    Our dealers usually mount these 2-3 feet off the ground. These go directly back into the DVR which will trigger the alarm and call you. In some cases when the alarm is triggered, it starts recording on that specific channel. Hope this helps. Let us know if you need anything else. Thanks

  5. Hello,


    I also wanted to add that we sell hundreds of the H.264 units per month due to the compression ratio. You get many more days on the hard drive Vs. the old technology Mpeg2 and Mpeg4. The new H.264 units are the future.


    Plus the picture is a lot better and depending on the unit, you can view 480X480 on the machine and the internet. Even comes with audio over the web. This is what all of our dealers have been seeking. Let me know if you need anymore information on these units. Thanks

  6. I disagree on this. If you use a 3.6 or a 4mm lens, you are going to get around an 87-76 degree field of view that would be perfect for a front door camera. If you use an 8-12mm lens for the front door you will be focused on the door mat the whole time.


    The higher the number on the lens the closer the picture is. I agree only if the ceiling is 20-30ft high, but he is dealing with a porch that is most likely to be 8-10 feet tall. Therefore he would not need such a narrow lens.


    Mick, what kind of monitor are you using? Is the camera being plugged into a household TV? This camera will do fine if you want to just monitor and not record. It's good for just seeing who is at the front door.

  7. Looks like a great camera for $60.00. I have seen a lot worse so it looks like you got the long straw on this deal. Yes, there are cameras that have what are called auto iris lenses. This feature allows the iris in the camera’s lens to be opened or closed depending on the amount of light coming into the camera.


    This helps a great deal when it comes to lighting conditions. If you had an auto iris lens, you would be able to see a lot better when the sun is in the cameras view. I would suggest a 520TVL camera with auto iris, 3.6mm lens, and WDR (wide dynamic range). If you have a budget, then try an electronic iris.


    This pretty much does the same thing as having an auto iris. I also recommend hard wiring the camera in. Believe it or not other people can pick up your wireless signal like your neighbor. You will notice a big difference. Hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Thanks

  8. Hello, there is a company called Extreme CCTV that puts this camera out. These cameras are by far the best out there on the market that I know of. We did a huge install for an auto mall here locally. The application was 15 PTZ'S, 35 fixes cameras, and 2 LPR cameras. I have personally seen the LPR cameras in action.


    These kids came into the auto mall and vandalized several car lots. The kid’s faces and license plate were caught on video. Thanks to the REG cam, the guys are now caught. They are expensive cameras, but worth the money. If the company that you are installing the REG cams have the money, then I say why not? You don't want to settle for cheap when it comes to catching license plates.

  9. The cameras and the application are hard for what your customer needs. Most IR cameras have or come with a 4mm or 6mm lens. This gets a closer picture while creating less of a halo effect on the camera.


    I would suggest what Rory suggested. Get some motion detect lighting. I would use regular cameras with IR. There are some IR cameras out there that do have the 3.6mm lens and do not get the halo effect. Hopefully this helps a bit.

  10. I have run across this many times. The manufacture will claim a camera is 480TV lines when the manual states 420 or even as low as 380 TV lines. I have also seen this in DVR'S and some other items. You just have to be careful who you buy from. There are some manufactures out there that just want to take your money. Even in a business world such as this one.

  11. As far as the cameras go, I would pick a nice day/night or go with a high res B/W if you don't have to have a color camera. This should give you the picture you are trying to obtain.


    It's hard to get a good picture at night without spending a lot of money. I would check Sensormatic or Pelco for some of their day/night camera. They seem to have great products.

  12. Hello, if you have sufficient lighting the camera will not go into IR night mode. When the camera goes into IR mode it has no choice but to switch to black and white. It gives you more of a greenish look. It will stay color only if you have enough light. Hope this helps.
