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Everything posted by jazzar

  1. looking at the manuals for both units from Honeywell webpage, you should be able to login to the ip address of the camera and setup password info.
  2. you could bring an 8 core fibre cable back from each block to the monitoring block, using 1 fibre per camera would still leave 4 spares for upgrades and if system expands further you can get fancy CCTV encoders/decoders which will handle 8 channels across 1 fibre - potential of 64 cameras from each block. running a ring means you need to splice all cables at each drop off point to continue on with the ring which may be more costly.
  3. forgot the link from last post - doh. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/33549/spec34.pdf
  4. found this- section 4 may be helpful - didn't read it - covers comms cables. long time since done this but think the marker tape should be about 300m-400mm above the cable so that digging through tape will still give a chance of not hitting cable at a spade depth or bucket scoop using digger.
  5. quick google for underwater cctv camera- and voila:- http://www.cameras-cctv.com/waterproof-cameras/Camera-IR-37CSHR-IR-2m-Sony?gclid=CMWIioSA_sUCFQHJtAodem8Afw
  6. jazzar

    Need a very long cable run

    same as boogieman suggests.
  7. so you have the camera connected to the codec which converts the video signal to an Ip signal. so when you connect to the ip address you are realyl connecting to the codec, its the codec that gives you the page you see, not the camera. so you need the login info for the model of the codec - try googling for information on the model of codec.
  8. jazzar

    Do these exsit: IR House Numbers?

    from cctvinfo page:- understanding ir lights_ ------------------------------ Infra-red lamps come in varying wavelengths from approx. 730nm to 950nm. 730nm filters are overt and give a red glow - like a traffic light. 830nm filters are semi-discreet and produce a dull red glow. 950nm filters are effectively totally covert - giving off no visible illumination. Viewing distances are reduced with 830nm and 950nm lamps. A 950nm will require a highly sensitive night time camera. ------------------------------ you could check on ebay for suitable led diodes and get a electronics guy to link them up in the shape of your number throw in a light sensor switch so it only comes on at night- you would need to encapsulate the unit for weatherproofing and supply power to the unit. - Anything can be done - but will it be worth the cost- or does the cost matter if its what you would like - then go for it.
  9. jazzar

    1000 Mbps vs 100 Mbps RJ45 port on NVR

    check out some of the bandwidth calculators from google to get results, usually 4 to 5meg is sufficient per camera for calculations so 5meg x 4 cameras is only 20 meg so the 100meg port is well capable of the job.
  10. jazzar

    networking newbie (pics)

    Did you try opening HTTPS- PORT 443. worth a try- app may need a secure connection possibly.
  11. jazzar

    Login not working in client network

    if it works on 3g from your phone then port forwarding set up must be ok so that leaves your office setup as the main suspect for your problem.
  12. instead of wireless you could try finding a unit with an sd card built in recording on a continual loop perhaps activated by sound for example. once incident takes place you can hopefully retrieve images from the sd card. don't know if there is any small units of this kind- maybe worth a google check. I know you can get them in teddy bears etc and you can get pens with voice recorders etc but don't know if camera pens are available.
  13. if the camera has multiple streams available (say 3) - then you should be able to view from 3 devices ok. the streams will depend on the model of camera.
  14. looks like its at its limits regarding what you are trying to achieve with the lighting conditions. the analytics to process the pixel change may have some latency- time to calculate and reset for next event.
  15. can you break it down to smaller groups/nodes with say 5 to 10 local cameras hard wired at 7 locations and then use wireless for example.- just a thought maybe worth considering.
  16. tracked this down- you might try it out- looks the right thing. http://darkbrotherhoodguild.enjin.com/forum/m/2140000/viewthread/15844166-dvr-2816-16-ch-software-download
  17. jazzar

    How to interpret specs on analog DVR?

    its probably 30 frames shared across the 4 cameras so will be 7 pics a second per camera. the pro stuff Pelco hybrid dx4800 will record 400 pics a second over 16 cameras at full d1 resolution.(25 pic /sec /cam) at the end of the day 7 pics a second is probably fine not going to lose much unless looking for slight of hand in a casino or a number plate travelling at 70mph. you should look at the quality of the recording ie cif 2 cif 4 cif or d1 along with the hard drive size and resolution if 720 or 1080 etc.
  18. jazzar

    Meteorological Monitoring Design

    a decent DVR / NVR should be capable of being set up a recording schedule to allow you to record whenever you want- may not go down to seconds but should do minutes at a time. then just select a camera you think suitable- trial and error before installing on sites. good luck.
  19. jazzar

    ir lighting question

    ir lamp_ http://www.cameras-cctv.com/ir-light/IR_Light_Weatherproof_IR_Illuminator_80?gclid=Cj0KEQjw4LaqBRD60pfSn43ZwLQBEiQAJv5FLEDMwxsnl7GqEpQoPTbyjETvW2ju9PFu68FKS9Xr3dsaAuMO8P8HAQ
  20. you should be fine see definition for Extra Low Voltage - basically presents no danger of shock. poe- 48v direct current. ---------------------------------------------- Extra-low voltage (ELV), in electricity supply, is one of several means to protect against electrical shock.[1][2][3][4] The International Electrotechnical Commission and its member organizations define an ELV circuit as one in which the electrical potential of any conductor against earth (ground) is not more than either 25 volts RMS (35 volts peak) for alternating current[inconsistent], or ripple-free 60 volts for direct current under dry conditions. Lower numbers apply in wet conditions, or when large contact areas are exposed to contact with the human body.[
  21. is there a sensitivity level adjustment- maybe needing tweeked. if the picture is dark then motion may be harder to detect ie a dark room with someone wearing black moving across the room - the camera will struggle to pick up motion since its looking at black on blac = no pixel change. however if plenty of light available then the pixel change will be detected a lot easier white on black for example.
  22. check out bottom of page, see:- http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574962087&toolid=10001&campid=5337615835&customid=c24m&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fitm%2F7-CCTV-Camera-HD-Monitor-Video-Tester-VGA-HD-SDI-In-Out-TDR-Test-HVT-3600ST-DVR%2F131306699070%3F_trksid%3Dp2047675.c100005.m1851%26_trkparms%3Daid%253D222007%2526algo%253DSIC.MBE%2526ao%253D1%2526asc%253D30989%2526meid%253De141f72b743340d680bdd1d05dac8bd5%2526pid%253D100005%2526rk%253D1%2526rkt%253D6%2526sd%253D251703079399%26rt%3Dnc
  23. come across this- look at the table at the bottom - provides different model numbers v functions. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/7-CCTV-Camera-HD-Monitor-Video-Tester-VGA-HD-SDI-In-Out-TDR-Test-HVT-3600ST-DVR/131306699070?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D30989%26meid%3De141f72b743340d680bdd1d05dac8bd5%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D251703079399&rt=nc
  24. see:- viewtopic.php?f=6&t=45308 this explains how to find out about an unknown device/card when connected into a pc running windows. it worked out ok for the last guy so hopefully will for you too. good luck.
  25. jazzar

    Why I Love my Job.

    I agree- your a long time working to be whinging all day every day- I often say "this is better than work" while working usually because I am learning something new which I enjoy or am fixing a problem which I enjoy or am passing on new information to the guys I am working with or vice versa. Most young uns today are more interested in their phone - facebook and stuff than getting on with the job.