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Everything posted by jazzar

  1. jazzar


    Hi - I found this on toms hardware :- You can't force parallelism on a piece of software, such as a game. If the software is sequential in nature, that is, there are not tasks that can be worked on separately at the same time, in parallel, then there is nothing for the other cores to work on, it will only utilize one CPU core. The key is that the software must be designed to be parallel, to be broken up into independent threads or tasks, if possible. While hardware is very advanced in this area, with CPUs with up to 12 cores, the software side of the equation is very different. Most software can only use one or two cores. A good example of an exception to this is video encoding, something like HandBrake, which will use as many cores as you have. Working with images and videos is an inherently parallel process, so these tasks can be broken up into as many smaller, independent tasks, as there are CPU cores to work on them. see:- http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-2122324/force-games-cpu-cores.html
  2. jazzar

    Need help for this CCTV

    It all looks good. google port checker and see if it can reach your dvr on ports 80, 101, and 9000. if you can then at least you know that the info is getting past your router to your dvr, that would then leave your set up on your mobile device or remote pc with the app you use to view the cameras. If you cant then maybe some firewall or other thing needs configured on the router- you need to try the app from outside your wireless so if its a mobile phone device try connecting using the 3g signal which will ensure you come in via the router to the dvr.
  3. jazzar

    Need help for this CCTV

    the web port normally uses port 80, if you use the app for the dvr remote viewing it will use different port maybe 4000 or 554 or others - maybe need more than 1 port set up for port forwarding through your router.maybe 1 for video stream and 1 for data login /dvr paramater setup etc. Check the network settings page for any port info once you port forward them use a [port checker] from the web to see if they are open - just google port checker and enter your ip address and port number and it will say open or closed.
  4. jazzar

    instalation help

    the no ip program that is on your laptop will communicate to the no ip provider and keep it updated with your current ip address- as long as this program is running it will continually up your ip info to their records.
  5. jazzar

    instalation help

    Hi - not sure- don't think you need to do anything else other than enter your no-ip info that you registered with them into your dvr. The dvr should inform no-ip of any router ip address change so if the router ip changes no-ip should be updated and still allow you to connect remotely using your machines name that you have registered. You can check your ip address by googling- whatismyip- take a note of it, then check again a few days /weeks later to see if it changes -then you can check if you can see your dvr using your no-ip name - if you can then everything is working good.
  6. jazzar

    Outside camera setup help.

    under settings headed backlight- have you tried messing with the HLC setting- think designed to dull down excessive whites like bright car headlights etc- worth a try. otherwise buy a bb gun and pop those light polluting bad boys..he he.
  7. jazzar

    instalation help

    Tried to attach a snip showing the set up I have used in the past on my alien dvr. yours should be similar - please see attachment if it is loaded properly. Usually the plugins get pulled from the device you are connecting to or are supplied on disc with the unit. Hope this helps. Viewing via the web browser and viewing via the application software are two different things. ie the application may allow for multiple dvr entries to select as required, whereas the web browser is a one off address in the browser bar each time you want to connect- so application is more powerfull for end user.
  8. jazzar

    instalation help

    did you check the 34567 port which is probably the one you need for your remote pc/ mobile device to access the dvr, I also know that some of the alien dvr 's need port 554 opened as well to work on iphone.
  9. jazzar

    2MP Camera x 2 on 1 Gigabit line ok?

    Its unusual or not common to be using full 25 pictures a second for general footage. The norm I come across is 5 pics/sec. so by reducing this you can get many more cameras on your network. similarly by tweaking other settings more can be had. just need to get a balance of whats acceptable quality wise for you to maximize your connection.
  10. jazzar

    2MP Camera x 2 on 1 Gigabit line ok?

    plenty of camera calculators out there, this one needs to be installed on your pc- its not just a web page, but it ticks every box allowing you to tweak megapixel size, frames per second activation event percentage, bandwidth required , recording space and number of days with a given hard drive- its pretty awesome. see for yourself:- https://www.samsung-security.com/Tools/Bandwidth.aspx let me know what you (or any others reading this think) if you try it out.
  11. you firstly need a special cat5 cable - it needs to be able to support its own weight since the cable is pinned to the lift shaft wall at approx. 1/2 way and then the other half is free hanging to travel freely up and down as the elevator moves from top to bottom. The cable also needs to be pretty flexible- 100's of flexings per day. There are cables out there for this- I think boston cables may do one possibly. This cable would be fitted by the lift engineers. The POE switch would be fitted at top or bottom of lift and then linked onto the network to carry the signal to the viewing solution. Connect cable directly into the camera housing -direct will mean you don't need lift engineers to access connections on top of lift car for faults or maintenance. I found that the cable gauge was bigger than the standard cat5 and needed 24gauge-(i think) cable which is a step up from the standard cat5 gauge- so the proper size connectors were required. That's my tuppence worth. maybe others can advise more specific.
  12. jazzar

    instalation help

    have you tried an OPEN PORT check via the web to check if your router is allowing traffic through to the dvr- just google port checker or similar enter the port no and it should give you result of pass / fail or open/closed or similar. then you will be 1 step closer to a solution.
  13. jazzar

    hi all

    Not giving much away to go on lad. heres a solution- fit cameras and dvr- record footage -playback when needed- job done. all that without a crystal ball...lite humour here- you need to put some meat on the bones with your request- I'm sure the posters will rally round and help out just need something to go on. Good luck.
  14. The video should be fine and the only difference on the power cable will be less voltage drop across the cable by doubling up pairs. as long as you are not using cable runs that are not too long and small cameras that don't use too much current ie pan tilt type which use more power than fixed / static cameras.
  15. jazzar

    Need help for this CCTV

    Have you opened up the ports on the router- ie port forwarding to stop the remote viewing application being blocked at the router ? find out from your dvr settings what port is being used for the video and set up the router to allow traffic to pass to /from the router.
  16. jazzar


    similar questions on this forum. see following and search forum for similar. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=42910
  17. jazzar

    Help with type of Coax to use

    Not really used rg6 for any cctv but found the following - stating rg6 specifically for CCTV from VERY REPUTABLE companies:- http://docs-europe.electrocomponents.com/webdocs/05fa/0900766b805faece.pdf http://www.pelco.com/sites/global/en/sales-and-support/support-services/technical-information/video-cable.page just to add to the confusion over this. I have also noticed some rg6 specs stating cable is 50 ohm so are their different types of RG6 - CURIOUS NOW myself - knowledge shared broadens ones horizons.
  18. Remember the objective for fitting your cameras- is it to catch any criminal or trespass type of event then you WILL want the best quality playback you can get- This usually means that when a cheaper / lower spec cameras are used and you are relying on them for recognition evidence etc you will be let down- more so in low light (night time) conditions. So bear this in mind when selecting your cameras- don't need to go madly expensive but equally don't go for the cheapest. I'm sure you will understand that you don't get a Rolls Royce performance by paying buttons. Good luck.
  19. jazzar

    Help with type of Coax to use

    Tom - you seem to be really keen on rg6 while just about every poster here is advising otherwise ? just an observation. is it a case that you have already committed to this on your installation, otherwise don't understand why still asking about the wrong type of cable.
  20. jazzar

    Can view DVR on laptop but not on Cell

    think you need to find an android app that allows you to view the dvr on the android platform. Not every dvr has a mobile app= check with the manufacturer if it can be viewed via android device / mobile client or similar.
  21. jazzar

    Help with type of Coax to use

    yep RG59. UP TO 200 metres. for further runs you can use ct100. for further again ct125 for further again ct167. These cables are different each one gets bigger in size and produces less loss per metre so can go further. Each cable type requires its own connector types each one different.
  22. jazzar

    Help with type of Coax to use

    200m on my previous post means 200 metres of cable. as the signal travels down the cable it suffers a loss, 200 metres is about as far as it is designed to go and still work without any other amplification devices being required to transmit it further. so if your cable run is less than 200m rg59 is fine. the screened side of the cable will be grounded at the control kit- thus any radio frequency interference should then be filtered down to ground and be stopped from reaching the centre (signal core) thus reducing interference to the video picture.
  23. jazzar

    Help with type of Coax to use

    Rg59 is the standard for CCTV for up to approx. 200m before any significant loss which will then require further amplification or alternte transmission kit. The signal travels down the centre core and the screen is mainly used to stop rf interference reaching the centre core. You should be good with rg59 as per above distances.
  24. jazzar


    hi - some Samsung defaults are 11111111, or 4321, if customer has changed from default then Samsung will probably advise to send unit to them.
  25. jazzar

    H.264 DVR Instructional Help?

    hi- having looked at the manual under general -hdd- there is an option to record until disk is full- so you should not be limited to 24hr only unless your disk size just so happens to be full after 24hrs- i think this unlikely, cant quite make out some of the screenshot titles due to poor resolution on the document, have you tried different settings here. Have you tried to get in touch with qvis for support ?