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  1. cheaprealestate

    Best camera for a view 250 feet away

    There will not be anyone watching the camera, so PTZ would not be helpful. The main goal is to provide footage that the local PD can use as evidence, so the quality must be good enough that a positive identification can be made at 250 feet. We're flexible on budget. If the distance is a limiting factor, we can get several cameras to cover the area.
  2. cheaprealestate

    Best camera for a view 250 feet away

    Hello, I am new to working with security cameras and am looking for technology recommendations. We would like to monitor a public street that ranges from 150-250 feet away (on a diagonal). The width of the field to be monitored is about 100 feet and the cameras would most likely be placed 30-50 feet from the ground. Most of the "activity" takes place during the daytime. Our goal would be to have the camera monitor everything and store it for 30 days. Can anyone recommend a type of camera to use for this distance and set of conditions?